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1 Thessalonians 2:1-12 Notes & Questions

1 Thessalonians 2:1-12 Notes & Questions

1 Thessalonians 2:1-12


In Chapter 2 of Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians, he describes the spread of the gospel:

    1. with purpose and boldness (v. 1-2)
    2. with honesty and transparency (vs. 3-6)
    3. with personal affection (vs. 7-12)


 with purpose and boldness

Paul describes the manner of presentation of the gospel as: (vs. 1-2)

  • Purposeful
  • Withstanding trials – in Philippi, Paul was treated poorly by those opposed to the gospel
  • Boldness from God
  • Contention for souls – without regard for the hazards of reaching those souls with the gospel

with honesty and transparency

Paul continues his description, specifically calling to mind the manner in which he brought the Word of God to the Thessalonians.  The gospel was brought:

  • with Truth (v. 3) – the very essence of the gospel is the truth of God’s mercy and grace; twisting the gospel message to match some man-made design is dangerous and totally inappropriate.
  • with Honesty (v. 4) – we must take measure of our motives for spreading the gospel – honest presentation of the gospel without selfish motives will reap the results desired.
  • in a Straight forward manner (v. 5) – the gospel is simple.  Sometimes, we try to mix our ideas in to make it more understandable or easier to comprehend.  This only adds confusion to a matter that has been so elegantly, yet simplistically conveyed by God in His Word.
  • Not for any personal gain (v. 5)
  • Not for personal glory (v. 6)
  • With a burden for those who need to hear it. (v. 6)

with personal affection

Note the words used by Paul to finish his description:

  • Gentle (v. 7)
  • Desire (v.8)
  • Sacrificial (v.8)
  • Laborious (v. 9)
  • Good behavior (v. 10)
  • Comforting (v. 11)
  • for lifting up of those who hear (v. 12)


    1. How important is the gospel message?
    2. Where does the power of the gospel message come from?
    3. How can the manner in which we present the gospel message have a negative impact?
    4. Have you presented the gospel message to someone in the past?  If not, why not?  If yes, what was the result? Is there anything you would do differently? 
    5. Think of a time when you have heard someone share the gospel with another person.  Considering what Paul writes in verses 7 through 12, how did that presentation measure up?
    6. Why do you think that presenting the gospel can bring trials and persecution?
    7. If you were called by God to carry the gospel as a missionary to a foreign land that was not receptive of the gospel, what would you expect?  How easy or hard would it be to accept God’s will in this instance?
    8. Why is it important to present the gospel with clarity?  What is the clearest way to present the gospel?
    9. Why do you think that Paul mentioned that taking the gospel to those who need was labor and contentious?
    10. Do you think that a teen can present the gospel in a way that makes a difference?  Why or why not?  



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