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1 Thessalonians 2:13-20 Notes & Questions

1 Thessalonians 2:13-20 Notes & Questions

1 Thessalonians 2:13-20


Paul takes opportunity to discuss the trials of ministry and the joys that can be experienced in the midst of the trials and persecution:

  1. The driver: results of receiving the Word (vs. 13-14))
  2. The challenge: trials because of the Word (vs. 15-16)
  3. The promise: hope in the midst of persecution (vs. 17-20)


The driver: results of receiving the Word

The results of receiving the Word are evidenced by:

  • Recognized truth (v. 13)
  • Believed truth (v. 13)
  • The truth working in those who hear (v. 13)
  • Those who hear follow God and the church (v. 14)
  • Those who hear endure suffering for the sake of the truth (v. 14)

The challenge: trials because of the Word

A great challenge of the ministry is to persevere in the midst of trials. Paul describe some of the trials experienced by he and other believers in his day (which are not unlike the trials experienced by soul winners, evangelists, missionaries, and others who are determined to live for God today.:

  • Unjust acts toward Christians (v. 15)
  • Attempts to limit the distribution of the Word (v. 16) 

The promise: hope in the midst of persecution

In the midst of trials and persecutions, there is a promise, a hope to sustain the Christian. It is evidenced by:

  • Fondness in spite of distance (v. 17)
  • Continued communication (v. 18)
  • Realization of who the enemy is (v. 18)
  • Hope for the future (v. 19)
    • For saints who will receive the Word
    • For the coming of Christ
  • Glory in those who love the Lord (v. 20)


    1. How do you stay encouraged when times get tough?
    2. What do you do to encourage a friend in Christ when he or she experiences trials?
    3. When a person believes on Jesus Christ, what outward evidence might be seen?
    4. What is the best way that a teen (or an adult) can grow in Christ?
    5. What is the greatest difficulty you have encountered  as a Christian?
    6. What are some of the trials that Christian teens face after they are saved?
    7. Jesus spoke about trials His disciples would experience in the world (John 16:33). At the same time, He provided a promise regarding those trials.  What is that promise?
    8. How quickly can you name three reasons to not give up even if the going gets tough? If it takes you more than a minute, ask God to remind you of all the eternal blessings He has for you.
    9. In verse 17, Paul uses the phrase, “being taken from you for a short time in presence, not in heart”.  What do you think is meant by that phrase?
    10. Recall the Christian friends you have made since being saved… How many have moved away, or for some reason, you no longer have contact with them? How much do you know about their walk with the Lord now?  Think of a way that you might be able to encourage one of those friends this week.




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