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1 Thessalonians 3:1-13 Notes & Questions

1 Thessalonians 3:1-13 Notes & Questions

1 Thessalonians 3:1-13


Paul continues to encourage the Thessalonians:

  1. Desire in separation (v. 1-5)
  2. Appreciation for faithfulness (vs. 6-10)
  3. Prayer for continued growth (vs. 7-13)


Desire in separation

Paul describes how he desires to be with the Thessalonians in spite of his difficulties: (vs. 1-5)

  • Sending Timothy (vs. 1-2)
    • a brother
    • a minister
    • a laborer
  • For a purpose (v. 2)
    • to establish or ground those he encounters in the faith
    • to comfort or encourage those in the faith
  • Encouragement to endure (vs. 3-5)
    • to stand firm (v. 3)
    • to realize that they do not stand alone (v. 3)
    • to realize that persecution is to be expected (v. 4)
    • to realize that their testimony was recognized and appreciated (v. 5)

Appreciation for faithfulness

Paul describes appreciation for those in faithful service: (vs. 6-10)

  • Good reports received (v. 6)
    • Faith
    • Love evidenced through charity
    • Remembrance
  • Provide encouragement to those in affliction (vs. 7-8)
    • Comfort
    • Purpose
  • Thanksgiving for faithfulness (vs. 9-10)
    • for joy
    • in continuous thanksgiving

Prayer for continued growth

Paul offers a prayer of continued growth for the Thessalonians that they would: (vs. 11-13)

  • Increase in their love
    • one to another
    • toward all men
    • modeled after Paul
  • Have hearts grounded in the love of Christ
  • Be blameless in holiness
  • Be ready for the return of Christ


    1. Paul has mentioned Timothy on a number of occasions in his letters to the church, with many complimentary comments.  What are some of the repeated characteristics of Timothy?
    2. What does it mean to be grounded in the faith?
    3. Consider this: A growing trend among teens is to be faithful to church as long as they “belong” to the youth group.  But after high school, up to 70% of those teens fall away from church.  How can becoming grounded in the faith as a teenager help him or her remain faithful even after leaving the youth group?
    4. Being grounded is an important part of growth in the Christian life cycle. Why do you think so many teens fail to become grounded in their faith? 
    5. If you were to measure your faith by your love for Jesus compared to your love for the world, how would you measure up?
    6. What are some ways that a Christian teen could receive a “good report” regarding their faith?
    7. When you are experiencing problems, do you feel alone or do you feel that God has surrounded you with other Christian teens and adults who can help you through those problems?
    8. Why is it important to be a part of a church or a youth group?
    9. Which is more likely for a Christian teen who is not involved in church or a youth group: 1) He or she will grow in Christ without any help and become everything God wants them to be, or 2) He or she will become involved in the world and care less and less for the things of God? Why did you choose your answer?
    10. Do you look forward to the return of Jesus Christ?  If so, are you ready for Him to return now?



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