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1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 Notes & Questions

1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 Notes & Questions

1 Thessalonians 4:1-12


Paul begins Chapter 4 by giving guidance on pleasing God by doing the things that are pleasing to God.  Many times, we have good intentions, but we fail to do anything with those intentions. In Luke 6:46, Jesus spoke these words: “And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?”  When we receive godly instruction from the Word of God, from the pulpit, or from the Sunday school, we need to take that instruction and follow it. We must grow in grace and become more of a God-pleaser rather than   a man-pleaser.  Here is some of the guidance given by Paul:

  1. Please God (v. 1-8)
  2. Love one another (vs. 9-10)
  3. Work honestly (vs. 11-12)

Please God

Paul describes the walk of a Christian that pleases God…

  • Walk to please God. (v. 1)
  • Stay faithful to God’s will. (v. 2)
    • To establish or ground those he encounters in the faith.
    • To comfort or encourage those in the faith.
  • Practice sanctification. (vs. 3-6)
    • Stay away from fornication (immoral activity, unclean behavior). (v. 3)
    • Exercise self control over your body. (v. 4)
    • Avoid lustful behavior – keep yourself pure! (v. 5)
    • Avoid “defrauding” others – by desiring, robbing, abusing others in any way, including defrauding their relationships (v. 6)
  • Recognize God’s calling to all Christians, as it applies to the individual Christian. (vs. 7-8)
    • Call to holiness – to live pure, without willingness to sin, and in a state of repentance.
    • Call to submit to the Holy Spirit – to be guided to do those things that are pleasing to God, and not to despise the conviction the Spirit gives when taught from the scriptures.

Love one another

The call to love one another and practice what Jesus taught in the gospel of peace is given: (vs. 9-10)

  • Loving one another is a given behavior of every Christian (v. 9)
    • It is a characteristic of Christ
    • It is a fruit of the Holy Spirit
  • Loving one another should be spread beyond our immediate neighborhoods.  (v. 10)
    • It is good and right to love those who are your brothers and sisters in your local church, but it should extend to further reaches, including acts of love to those who serve in the mission field and acts of encouragement to those who may be struggling in their faith at a distance. 

Work honestly

Paul offers guidance on the manner in which we should go about our daily service to the Lord: (vs. 11-12)

  • Work quietly – our service should be done to bring glory to God and not be disruptive in any way.
  • Work diligently in your own calling – not interfering with others.
  • Work heartily and productively – ensuring that God’s blessing will be on your work.


    1. Why is it important to please God?
    2. What are some ways that a Christian teen can please God?
    3. What are some ways that you displease God?  What can you do about those things?
    4. Paul declares that the will of God is “even your sanctification”.  Does this mean that it is the will of God for every Christian, including Christian teens, to be sanctified?  If so, how can this be accomplished?
    5. Have you ever been upset with something that was preached or taught from the Bible?  If so, why were you upset? According to this passage, is that the correct response?
    6. What does “brotherly love” mean?
    7. How can a Christian teen extend “brotherly love” to those who are in your local church and beyond?
    8. List some of the ways that you can be a productive helper at church?
    9. Go a step further… how can you be a productive helper at home?
    10. God has promised to meet our needs when we serve Him with a whole heart and in the proper way.  How has God honored your efforts when you did something that wasn’t for yourself but was for His glory?



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