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1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Notes & Questions

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Notes & Questions

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18


Paul begins to expand his message to the Thessalonians concerning the future return of Christ.  Evidently, there was concern over Christians who had died before Christ’s return. Paul clears that up by explaining in new detail:

  1. The hope in the resurrection (v. 13-15)
  2. The return of Christ (vs. 16-17)
  3. The comfort in His coming (v. 18)


The hope in the resurrection

Paul describes the hope that all have in the resurrection of Christ, especially as it applies to those believers who die before Christ’s return…

  • First, Paul establishes that there is a hope and that it is real. (v. 13)
    • The hope should be cause for joy, not sorrow.
    • To be without hope is to be as one who is lost and does not know the mysteries of Christ.
  • Second, Paul reinforces the reality of the resurrection. (v. 14)
    • A reminder of the resurrection of Christ.
    • The revelation that the resurrection of Christ was an illustration of the resurrection of the believers who die in Christ.
  • Third, Paul mentions the truth of  the resurrection for all. (vs. 15)
    • A reminder that Christ’s resurrection claimed victory for believers.
    • Believers should be confident in the resurrection.

The return of Christ

Paul begins to provide great detail regarding the coming return of Christ: (vs. 16-17)

  • The arrival of Christ. (v. 16)
    • He comes in person.
    • He comes with a sudden announcement.
      • Shout of the archangel
      • The trump of God
  • The resurrection of the dead.  (v. 16)
    • Those who are dead in Christ (believers who have died before Christ’s return) shall rise first.
  • The rapture of the saints. (v. 17)
    •  Those who remain (the believers who are alive when Christ returns) are “caught up” with those who have risen from the grave.
      • They join in the clouds.
      • They meet the Lord in the air.
  • The eternal union. (v. 17)
    • All believers will be forever with the Lord.
    • There is no further separation. 
    • There is an eternal union, with Christ.

The comfort in His coming

Paul instructs Christians that these words, concerning the resurrection of those dead in Christ and the return of Christ, should be used as comfort to other believers: (v. 18)

  • These words should provide hope in the midst of trials and difficult situations.
  • These words should encourage faithfulness when faith is trying.
  • These words should challenge believers to be ready to meet the Lord when He comes.


    1. Why is the resurrection of Christ important?
    2. How does the truth of the resurrection of Christ encourage believers?
    3. Many people fear death, not knowing what to expect when death occurs.  What can a Christian expect from death?
    4. Think of how Paul describes the return of Christ.  What do you think will be the world’s reaction when the events Paul describes occur?
    5. What will be the warning of Christ’s return?
    6. Based on Biblical truth and world events, the next major event of Christian history is the return of Christ.  How can a Christian teen be ready for Christ’s return?
    7. We use the word “rapture” to describe the way Christians are “caught up in the air” as Paul described in verse 17.  What do you think the rapture will be like for a Christian alive when Christ returns?
    8. Notice that in this passage there is no mention of those who don’t believe in Christ.  Why do you think those people were not mentioned?
    9. If the return of Christ is meant only for believers, do you think it’s important for teens to be telling their friends about Jesus and God’s gift of salvation?
    10. How does the message of the resurrection and the return of Christ comfort other Christians? How is a Christian teen comforted by this message?



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