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1 Thessalonians 5:1-13 Notes & Questions

1 Thessalonians 5:1-13 Notes & Questions

1 Thessalonians 5:1-13


Paul stresses the importance of anticipating Christ’s return by encouraging Christians to:

  1. Be ready at all times (vs. 1 – 5)
  2. Be watchful in confidence (vs. 6-10)
  3. Be steady in service (vs. 11-13)


Be ready at all times

Paul stresses the suddenness of Christ’s return by revealing…

  • There is no way to predict it. (v. 1)
    • Although there is no way to pinpoint the date, there will be signs.
    • In Matthew 24, Jesus Christ himself describes what will take place as His return approaches.
  • Many will not expect it. (v. 2)
    • In truth, it could be said that “most” will not be looking for it.
    • And, the majority will be surprised.
  • Many will not be prepared. (vs. 3)
    • Being prepared is being ready – having a personal relationship with Jesus.
    • In that way, you will know when He comes.
  • Many will feel secure in themselves – without the genuine security of salvation. (v. 3)
  • Because of our walk with Christ on this earth, we should have a greater anticipation, awareness, and expectation of His return. (vs. 4-5)
    • We should live each day as if it is the day of His return.
    • Being found in service to Him, living a godly life, and seeking first His kingdom.

Be watchful in confidence

Paul stresses that Christians should live watchfully with an expectation of confidence by:

  • Being awake and alert . (v. 6)
    • Just as someone should not be driving a car and daydreaming, Christians must not go through their life aimlessly from day to day in a state of complacency.
    • Likewise, Christians should not let the things of the world intoxicate us into a state of artificial bliss, where our focus is shifted from heavenly things to worldly things.
    • Christians must watch for Christ’s return.
  • Walking in the light – not in the night! (v. 7)
    • The return of Christ should not find Christians in darkness.
    • Christians should be determined to be in the light, and spreading the light, when the Lord returns.
  • Putting on Christ as we live (vs. 8-9)
    • Stand out from those in darkness through the likeness of Christ.
    • Be self-controlled.
    • Be faithful.
    • Spread the love of God.
    • Be a witness of the hope of salvation.
  • Looking forward to our eternal life with Christ! (v. 10)
    • Paul reminds Christians of the supreme sacrifice of love that Christ gave.
    • Christians should look forward to being together with Christ at His return.

Be steady in service

Paul encourages Christians to be dedicated to their service in Christ as we await His return: 

  • Comfort one another. (v. 11)
  • Encourage each other. (v. 11)
  • Be diligent about these things, continuing them in patience. (v. 11)
  • Recognize the leaders that God has given in the church and regard what is preached and taught. (vs. 12-13)
    • Demonstrate a love for the service.
    • Be peaceful (not adversarial) in service.


    1. Have you ever heard someone set a date for Christ’s return or the end of the world?  Has anyone been correct in their prediction? Why do you think that’s the case?
    2. Will there be more people looking for Christ when He returns or more people not expecting His return?
    3. According to this passage, there will be people who will think they are secure when they really are not ready for Christ’s returned? Do you think any of those people will call themselves “Christians” but really are unprepared for the return of Jesus Christ?
    4. What makes a person prepared for Jesus Christ’s return?
    5. In an average week, how many days are you watching for Jesus to return?
    6. Of these four choices, where would you like to be when Jesus returns: 1) sleeping, 2) driving to a movie with friends. 3) singing in the church choir, 4) listening to Christian music on your iPod, or 5) telling a friend about Jesus? Why did you make your choice?
    7. How can a Christian teen (or adult) be involved in service as he or she waits for Christ?
    8. Why do you think that Paul mentioned “being at peace among yourselves” as the Christians wait for Christ’s return?
    9. Is it possible to be a Christian, yet have a testimony that does not draw others to Christ?  If that’s so, how do you think that Christian would feel when Christ returns?
    10. Give three reasons why a Christian teen (or adult) should expect Christ’s return and be watching for it.



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