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1 Timothy 1:12-20 Notes & Questions

1 Timothy 1:12-20 Notes & Questions

1 Timothy 1:12-20


In the final nine verses of chapter 1, Paul uses grace to build the case for his charge to Timothy:

    1. The evidence of grace in Paul’s life. (vs. 12-13)
    2. The abundance of grace in the Person of Christ. (vs. 14-15)
    3. The example of grace given by Paul. (vs. 16-17)
    4. Timothy’s charge for battle. (vs. 18-20)


The evidence of grace in Paul’s life (vs. 12-13)

    • Through Christ, we experience tangible benefits of grace:
      • Christ enables us.
      • He counts us faithful.
      • He puts us in the ministry.
    • The amazing grace that Paul experienced covered all he was as a lost sinner:
      • Ignorant of the gospel.
      • Blasphemer.
      • Persecutor.
      • Injurious.
    • Paul had been an enemy of the church until he was confronted by Jesus Christ as he traveled to Damascus and was marvelously saved.

The abundance of grace in the Person of Christ (vs. 14-15)

    • Jesus provides grace more abundantly than we can imagine:
      • Love.
      • Faith.
      • Salvation.

The example of grace given by Paul (vs. 16-17)

    • Paul provides characteristics of how grace can work in a Christian’s life by:
      • Obtaining mercy.
      • Suffering for the cause.
      • Demonstrating a pattern for ministry through faith in Jesus Christ.
      • Giving Christ glory through service.

Timothy’s charge for battle (vs. 18-20)

    • Paul charges Timothy to get in the battle and persevere:
      • Fight the war with sound strategy and tactics that are true to the Bible – “war a good warfare”.
      • Hold onto faith.
      • Have a good conscience by doing right no matter what.
        • The battles are won through righteousness, godliness, and faith in God. 
        • There is never a fight that justifies doing wrong for the sake of achieving victory.
      • Stand for sound doctrine.
        • Compromising the truth is a sure path to destruction.
        • Christians must know the truth, believe the truth, and practice the truth without wavering.



    1. What are some real, visible benefits of grace that you have experienced as a result of your decision to trust Jesus Christ as your Savior?
    2. We sing the hymn Amazing Grace, which is a testimonial of how God saved a sinner and restored him to good standing before God.  With that in mind, what was the amazing transformation that Paul experienced as a result of grace?
    3. How does your transformation from being a lost sinner to being saved by grace compare to Paul’s experience? Would you classify it as “amazing”?
    4. Verse 14 describes grace as being “exceedingly abundant.”  What do you think that means?
    5. Is it possible for a lost person to be given too little or too much grace based on the amount or type of their sin?
    6. How is Jesus’ grace abundantly displayed toward Christians?
    7. Paul reminded Timothy of his example of grace. Think about the leaders in your church – your pastor, youth leaders, teachers, etc. How do they demonstrate grace by their example?
    8. How can a Christian teen be an example of grace?
    9. Paul charges Timothy to get in the battle and fight with a good conscience. As a Christian teen, what can you do to ensure you have a good conscience as you face the battles in your life?
    10. Is there ever a right time to do the wrong thing? If you answered “yes”, re-think your answer and try to reason why it is always wrong to do the wrong thing no matter  the time or situation. If you answered “no”, give a reason why you answered that way.



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