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1 Timothy 2:1-8 Notes & Questions

1 Timothy 2:1-8 Notes & Questions

1 Timothy 2:1-8


In these eight verses, Paul continues his instruction to Timothy by concentrating on prayer:

    1. Pray for all things for all men. (v. 1)
    2. Pray for authority. (v. 2)
    3. Pray for salvation for all. (vs. 3-4)
    4. Pray through the Mediator, Jesus Christ. (vs. 5-7)
    5. The manner of prayer. (v. 8)

Pray for all things for all men (v. 1)

    • Pray for all things:
      • Supply the needs of others.
      • Pray for others.
      • Intercede in matters on behalf of others.
      • Thank God for all things.
    • Pray for all men.

Pray for authority (v. 2)

    • Pray for those in authority:
      • Those in political authority.
      • Those in other positions of authority.
    • Pray for:
      • Peace.
      • Godliness.
      • Honesty.

Pray for salvation for all (vs. 3-4)

    • Pray for the salvation of all men:
      • It is a desirable outcome of the gospel that all men would trust Christ as Savior.
      • It is God’s will that all would come to repentance and be saved.

Pray through the Mediator, Jesus Christ (vs. 5-7)

    • Paul describes the role of Jesus Christ as Mediator:
      • A mediator is a person who intervenes between two parties (in this case man needs someone to intervene between himself and God).
      • There is only one Mediator between God and man – Jesus Christ. Without Christ as Mediator, there would be no hope for man to have a relationship with God.
      • His sacrifice of love on the cross paid a ransom for all mankind’s sin, not just some.
      • Christ is to be preached in truth to all humanity so that all would be aware that He is our Mediator and that He alone is our hope of redemption.

The manner of prayer (v. 8)

    • Paul gives Timothy three guidelines for prayer:
      • Every Christian is called to pray.
      • Prayer should occur everywhere, regardless of the circumstance or setting through a sincere attitude of prayer.
      • Prayer should be made in an honorable way to God,as Paul indicates by calling for “lifting up holy hands”.
      • Prayer should be made with love and forgiveness for others, not with any vindictive thought or motive.
      • Prayer should be made with an expectation of answer by faith, not with doubt.


    1. What does it mean to pray for God to supply?
    2. Have you ever been asked to pray for someone and found it difficult to pray for them because of your relationship to them? How can that obstacle to prayer be overcome?
    3. Why is it important to pray for all people, even if we do not know them personally?
    4. What authority should a Christian teen pray for?
    5. What are some of the things that Christians can pray about when praying for authority?
    6. Since God loves all people so much that He had His Son, Jesus Christ, pay for their sins by dying for them, do all people get saved? Explain your answer.
    7. Why is it important to pray for the salvation of friends, family and neighbors? Can you name some of your friends, family, and neighbors who need salvation? Would you commit to pray for them on a regular basis?
    8. How would you describe a mediator? How does Jesus fill the role of Mediator between you and God?
    9. Sometimes people try to mediate for themselves – through works, sacrifice, or other actions. According to Paul, the only Mediator is Jesus. Knowing this, why are the other things that people do insufficient?
    10. Based on what Paul describes as a manner for prayer, how would you rate the way that you pray in each of these areas:
      • Prayer on a regular basis.
      • Prayer everywhere.
      • Prayer that is honoring to God.
      • Prayer with love and forgiveness to others.
      • Prayer with faith that God will answer.

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