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1 Timothy 2:9-15 Notes & Questions

1 Timothy 2:9-15 Notes & Questions

1 Timothy 2:9-15 


Paul addresses Timothy concerning the manners and matters of women in the church concerning:

    • Modesty
    • Inner Beauty
    • Honor in Silence



Modesty (v. 9)

    • Modesty in appearance of apparel
      • This certainly is a controversial topic in modern Christianity (as are many fundamental, conservative and literal interpretations of scripture), yet God chose to preserve these guidelines in His Word.
      • Modest apparel includes the following features:
        • It is simple yet becoming.
        • It is non-revealing, in other words, it covers (the standard for covering or non-revealing seems to change with the times; but the guidelines provided in God’s Word do not change.
        • It is decent.
        • It is worn with humility.
    • Modesty in its perceived cost or value:
      • It is not extravagant.
      • It is not costly, in terms of:
        • Monetary cost of the apparel.
        • Time spent to choose the apparel.
        • Attention given to the apparel.
      • It is not a vain expense.

Inner beauty (v. 10)

    • Let your beauty shine from within:
      • It originates from the heart.
      • It is a form of godliness.
      • It is observable through good works.
    • Inner beauty should not be disguised with the world’s concept of outward beauty.

Honor in silence (vs. 11-15)

    • Paul reminds Timothy of the order defined by God through the sequence of His creation and through the model of Christ and the church, as it applies to women in the church:
      • Silence with regard to prophesying (preaching and teaching over men in a leadership position).
      • Subjection to the authority of the church organization.
      • Surrendered to serve the Savior in:
        • Faith
        • Love
        • Holiness
        • Calmness
    • It is important to note that women are full and equal members of the body of Christ, that is the church. Considering this status, women are a vital asset to the ministry and are certainly able to do the following under the leadership of the pastor/bishop:
      • Teach.
      • Provide godly dissertation.
      • Lead key aspects of the church that fall under pastoral authority.
      • Serve on committees with equal and full voting privilege.
      • Disciple and mentor young believers, especially those younger women in the church.

Questions: (these questions are intended for teen girls/young women)

    • How would you define modesty?
    • How is Biblical modesty perceived by today’s popular standards?
    • What are some of the hazards of immodest dress?
    • A common concern for teenage girls is appearance.  This passage stresses the inner beauty of a woman. As a teen girl (or a young woman), how would you describe your inner beauty?
    • Does your inner beauty shine through so that the world can see it? How can you ensure that your inner beauty is evident?
    • How do good works reflect the inner beauty of a woman?
    • How is the inner beauty of teen girls (or young women) disguised by the world’s image of what’s beautiful?
    • Although Paul mentioned silence on the part of women in the church, the intent is not that a woman is never allowed to speak. Rather it is that their speaking should fall withing guidelines set by the pastor.  Considering that, many churches have women filling key roles.  What are some of the roles women fill at your local church?
    • What are some honorable characteristics of women serving in the church?
    • If you are a teen girl (or a young woman), how can you display your honor through service?



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