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1 Timothy 3:14-16 Notes & Questions

1 Timothy 3:14-16 Notes & Questions

1 Timothy 3:14-16


Paul describes the purpose of his letter to Timothy by:

    • Explaining Conduct Standards in the Church (vs. 14-15)
    • Citing the Undisputed Truth of the Mystery of Godliness (v. 16)



Explaining Conduct  Standards in the Church (v. 8-10)

Paul provides Timothy with the purpose behind his detailed description of church roles and standards:

    • Good conduct is required to honor the church.
    • Because of its relationship with God, the church is above any earthly institution.
      • It is the House of God.
      • It is the Church of the Living God.
      • It is the Pillar and Ground of Truth.
        • The foundation is Jesus Christ.
        • The pillar is the full revelation of the Word of God.

Citing the Undisputed Truth of the Mystery of Godliness (v. 16)

Paul explains the just evidence for having conduct requirements by providing evidence of the mystery of godliness; demonstrated by God’s Work through His Son in the establishment of the church.

    • God appeared in the flesh as the Son – Jesus Christ.
    • The Holy Spirit bore witness of Jesus Christ through the miraculous works performed during and after His earthly ministry.
    • The appearance of angels at the advent of Jesus Christ and at His resurrection bore witness that this was indeed the work of God on earth.
    • The power demonstrated by the preaching of the Word of God, converting the lost through their belief on the Son of God so that they became heirs with Christ to the kingdom of God – and not only heirs, but sons and daughters in the family of God.
    • The spread of the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth, resulting in multitudes of people believing on Jesus Christ testifies to the work of God and not of man.
    • The observed and recorded ascension of Christ into glory provides ultimate truth that this great mystery was of God. 



    • Why is it important to conduct ourselves properly in the local church?
    • What are some examples of improper conduct in the church?
    • Which of the following should be considered as areas for establishing standards of conduct for the church ministries, including the youth ministry?
      • Schedule
      • Dress standards
      • Rules of order
      • Seating arrangements
      • Types of music
      • Use of portable devices/phones
      • Use of the Bible
      • Use of technology, sound, and lighting
      • List other areas that should be considered: ________________________________________________
      • ___________________________________________________________________________________
    • How did Paul describe the church, and why do you think he chose to describe it that way?
    • What is the proof that God appeared to mankind in the flesh?
    • Describe how the Holy Spirit of God provides evidence by working through the church today.
    • How did angels witness God in the flesh on earth?
    • What does the preaching of the Bible accomplish that helps prove the power of God?
    • When a person believes on Jesus Christ through the Word of God, he or she experiences a change that demonstrates God working.  What is that change?
    • Here are five events in the life of Christ that provide clear evidence that He was of God and was God:
      • His birth by a virgin.
      • The announcement of His birth by angels.
      • His baptism (the voice of God and the evidence of the Holy Spirit).
      • His resurrection.
      • His ascension to heaven.
    • There are several other events documented in the Bible… Can you name two or three more?
      • ___________________________________________________________________________________
      • ___________________________________________________________________________________



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