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1 Timothy 3:8-13 Notes & Questions

1 Timothy 3:8-13 Notes & Questions

1 Timothy 3:8-13


As Paul continues describing the qualifications of those in leadership roles, he now describes the qualifications for deacons.  In this brief passage, Paul provides Timothy specific requirements regarding the qualifications of men who are to fill the role of a ministry servant and their wives:

    • Of Deacons
    • Of Wives
    • Of Superior Service



Of Deacons (v. 8-10)

Paul begins this passage with the initial qualifications for men filling the deacon position; they must be:

    • Grave.
      • The deacon must have a serious demeanor regarding matters of the ministry.
      • Not given to unruly or rude behavior.
    • Not double-tongued.
      • A man who does not say one thing and mean or do another.
      • One who does not tell tales or talk behind the back of others.
      • One whose word can be trusted.
    • Not given to wine.
      • He must not be a partaker of any substance that would cause a change in behavior such that it could discredit himself or the ministry.
    • Not greedy
      • As with the qualifications for a pastor, Paul cites that the deacon must not be greedy of “filthy lucre” or monetary gain as a result of his position.
      • The adjective “filthy” seems to imply that it is spotted with improper gain or the image of the world, and perhaps was gained at the expense of others.
      • He should be focused on ministry rather than on money or other personal gain.
    • Holding the mystery of the faith in pure conscience.
      • The deacon should be firmly established in doctrinal truth.
      • The mysteries of everlasting life and the resurrection should be precious to him.
      • He should be able to communicate those items to others who need to hear.
    • Proved.
      • The deacon should not be a recently converted Christian.
      • He should be grounded in the faith through a record of serving Christ, demonstrating all of the preceding qualifications, and a proven testimony. 
    • Blameless
      • Within the constraints of his ministry and his Christian heritage, the deacon should be a man with no record of wrongs done.

The Wives (v. 11)

Here, Paul provides the basis for the conduct and testimony of a wife of one in leadership.

    • Grave.
      • As with the deacon, the wife must have a serious nature, demonstrating like-minded behavior with her husband.
      • Not given to unruly or rude behavior.
    • Not a slanderer.
      • Not a gossip, talebearer, or one who seeks gain through storytelling.
      • A woman who is careful in all forms of her communication, especially those involving information about others.
      • This includes exercising great care and discernment regarding the use of today’s social networking programs and devices.
    • Sober.
      • One who is not intoxicated by worldly desires or vain thoughts.
      • A woman who is clear-headed, calm, and in control of her emotions.
    • Faithful in all things. 
      • A wife who recognizes a need and fills it as much as possible within her abilities.
      • A woman who is reliable, dependable, trustworthy, and is about the Lords work while maintaining a proper and orderly home.

Of Superior Service (v. 12-13)

Paul adds to the qualification standards for deacons and calls for superior service that results in a higher degree of responsibility.

    • Additional qualifications:
      • Husband of one wife.
        • This is the same as the requirement for a pastor, meaning that the man has been faithful to one woman as his wife for life; there is only an allowance for re-marrying in the event of the death of a spouse. 
        • In other words, a man who has divorced one wife and married another does not meet the qualification.  
        • It should be obvious from the text that polygamy (having more than one wife at a time) is a disqualification.
      • Ruling their children and houses well:
        • He should be a man who is a good husband, a good father, and generally a good leader of his home.
        • He should keep his home under subjection – that is, there should be orderliness in the home, not calamity.
    • Additional responsibilities:
      • To those who have served well through superior service.
      • They earn the privilege of greater service responsibility.
        • These responsibilities might be related to church ministration normally reserved for pastoral staff, such as:
          • Some ministry administration
          • Teaching
          • Secondary leadership positions
          • Under-shepherding
          • Handling the Word of God with boldness
        • These new “good degree” responsibilities do not take away the deacon’s primary responsibility to serve the needy in the church.



Deacons fill an important role of service in the church.  As the church grows, more deacons are needed to help minister to those in need and help a church’s pastoral staff with day-to-day responsibilities.  The following questions are related not only to the passage studied, but also to the role of the deacon and the wife in the local New Testament church.

    • Can you name the deacons in your local church?
    • What are some of the roles of deacons in your local church?
    • Which of the following would you say that a deacon is most like: 1) a pastor, 2) a Sunday school teacher, or 3) a church servant? Why?
    • While many of the qualifications for deacons are similar to those of a pastor, there are some differences.  List the differences you find from the 1 Timothy 3:8-10.
    • Why do you think that it’s important for a deacon to not be “double-tongued”?
    • Why are the qualifications of a church leader’s wife important?
    • Paul wrote that a church leader’s wife must be faithful in all things? Think about how wives of leaders in your church provide service.  What are some things that they are faithful in?
    • Marriage is under greater and greater attack these days. Divorce has become a culturally acceptable practice. There is even a movement from political / action groups to change the Biblical definition of marriage as a bond between one man and one woman to something quite different and in total disagreement with God’s Word. With all of these changes being initiated by the world’s culture, God’s Word hasn’t changed. That being said, why do you think God’s Word is so specific about church leaders being “the husband of one wife”?
    • How do deacons earn a “good degree”?
    • What are some of the greater responsibilities a deacon may earn through superior service in the role of a deacon?



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