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10 Tests to Measure My Activities…

10 Tests to Measure My Activities…

Does What I Do Measure Up…or Not?

Most of the time, we don’t consider whether the things we do (publicly or privately) are indicative of “good” Christian behavior. In doing so, we acknowledge grace but we ignore holiness. The things we do and the activities we participate in are a reflection of our heart condition – our relationship with God. When we ignore (whether intentionally or not) God’s call to live a separated, holy life, we ignore the precious grace that He gives through Jesus.

It’s important that we establish a standard for our behavior based on God’s Word and His uniquely personal will for each of us.  Do your activities measure up to a standard for Christian behavior? Put them to a test by asking these 10 questions about the activity:

  1. Does the activity hurt my relationship with God?
  2. Will the activity hinder another’s relationship with God?
  3. Does the activity blemish my personal testimony?
  4. Is the activity keeping me from accomplishing God’s will?
  5. Is the activity displeasing to God?
  6. Would I abstain from the activity if Jesus were with me? (By the way, He is!)
  7. Would I be ashamed to talk about i the activity with God?
  8. Does the activity cause me to feel guilty?
  9. Is participating in the activity disobedient to God or authority in any way?
  10. Does participating in the activity grieve or quench the Holy Spirit?

If you can answer “yes” to any of the above – then the activity is notgood” Christian behavior! I recommend stopping that activity right away and seeking God’s guidance regarding a better activity… and then, ask God to show you a better way to spend “your” time.

What are some other “tests” that we can use to measure our daily activities and our walk with God?…


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