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10 Things that are Hazardous for Your Youth Ministry

10 Things that are Hazardous for Your Youth Ministry

There are a number of things that can poison and even destroy a youth ministry…

Here’s a list of ten of those things. There’s a story behind the list. You can read the whole story here.

  1. Making “light” of the gospel (diminishing the gospel’s impact)
  2. Minimizing the Bible
  3. Distorting essential doctrine
  4. Centering on entertainment
  5. Assuming you know God’s will for your teens
  6. Tolerating sin in the camp
  7. Excluding parents from the ministry
  8. Judging the teen by the coat he/she wears
  9. Resisting change
  10. Neglecting the teens who are leaders in your group
So, that’s 10 things to be wary of… how about others?

You can find more detail on these hazards and how to cope with them here.



Great list! Definitely something all youth pastors should evaluate and be aware of in their ministries. Another one that came to mind is: creating a youth culture that is separate from the church. Thanks for posting!

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