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2 Thessalonians 1:1-12 Notes & Questions

2 Thessalonians 1:1-12 Notes & Questions

2 Thessalonians 1:1-12


Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians provides more details regarding daily living as the time of Christ’s return approaches.  Chapter 1 deals mostly with how to live in anticipation of Jesus’ return. After issuing greetings to the church in verses 1 and 2, he recognizes their:

  1. Faith, love and patience (vs. 1-4)
  2. Perseverance in persecution (vs. 5-12


Faith, love and patience 

  • Paul expresses his thanks for all that has been accomplished by the Thessalonians through their faith and love. (v. 3)
    • Their faith grew “exceedingly”.  There is no doubt that this was demonstrated through their acts of love (charity) and their ability to patiently endure persecution.
    • Their love was abundantly spread among the congregation.
  • Paul remarked that he “gloried” over the Thessalonians in other churches as he recalled the patience and faith of the Thessalonian church through their persecution.

Perseverance in persecution

Paul elaborates on the persecution experienced by the church:

  • Their persecution is evidence of their calling.  Serving God doesn’t come without its battles.  Attacks on a Bible-preaching, soul winning, growing church are to be expected. (v. 5)
  • In due time, God will repay those who bring attacks, persecution, and tribulation to the church. (v. 6)
  • When Christ returns… (vs. 6-10)
    • Then, those who have endured the persecution will get rest.
    • God will bring His vengeance upon those who have rejected His Son and have disobeyed His call to the gospel.
    • Those in disobedience will be met with everlasting destruction.
    • The believers will glorify and admire Christ when He returns.

Finally, Paul prays for the Thessalonians, that they would be found worthy of the calling God has placed on them : (vs. 11-12)

  • That they would fulfill God’s good pleasure.
  • That they would accomplish the work of faith with the power of God.
  • That their works would glorify Christ.


    1. How much has your faith grown since you became a Christian?
    2. What are some things that can help a Christian teen grow in their faith?
    3. In 2 Peter chapter 1, verses 5 through 8, Peter describes a progression of Christian growth that begins with faith.  Read those verses and try to list the steps of progression that Peter described.
    4. How is a growing faith demonstrated through the life of a Christian?
    5. Paul wrote about the persecution the Thessalonians faced as a church because they were active in their service to the Lord. Individual Christians also face persecution when they take a stand to serve the Lord.  Describe the types of attacks individual Christians face when they stand for Jesus Christ.
    6. What will happen to those who persecute the church and reject the gospel of Jesus Christ?
    7. Recalling what Paul wrote in verses 11 and 12, what do you think is the primary purposes for our service to the Lord?
    8. What is promised to believers who endure persecution for the sake of Jesus Christ and His church.

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