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2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 Notes & Questions

2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 Notes & Questions

2 Thessalonians 2:1-12


The focus of this second chapter by Paul is to encourage the Thessalonians to remain steadfast and to instruct them more in the events surrounding Christ’s return:

  1. Be steadfast (vs. 1-2)
  2. The events surrounding to Christ’s return (vs. 3-12)


Be steadfast (vs. 1-2)

  • Keep believing! Jesus is returning, although the time is unknown, He is coming back!
  • Keep working while you wait and…
    • Don’t forget the truth of the gospel and the words Christ spoke concerning His return. (see John 14:1-6)
    • Don’t let what others may say, do, or write persuade you or trouble you.
  • Be wary of deception.

The events surroundingChrist’s return

Paul provides a number of details regarding Christ’s return, including that His return will not come until certain things happen and then great wickedness will be revealed:

  • There will be an apostasy (falling away) in the church. (v. 3)
    • Many will become impatient with the preaching of the Word, with the persecution that must be endured, and with the sacrifices required. 
    • There will be an attraction for the world that lures believers’ hearts away from the truth to pursue worldly pleasure and gain.
  • The world system to usher in the Antichrist will be fully realized and the revelation of the Antichrist (the man of sin, the son of perdition) is eminent. (vs. 3-5)
    • Many interpret these verses to refer directly to the Antichrist himself.
    • Paul had previously discussed this man of sin /son of perdition with the church members.
  • That which keeps the Antichrist from being revealed must be removed. (vs. 6-7)
    • There is something that keeps this person from being revealed. (“what withholdeth”)
    • This is commonly considered to be the Holy Spirit, which is present in the body of Christ, the church on earth.
    • Once the Jesus Christ takes His church at the rapture, the Antichrist will have nothing holding him back.
  • Once the Antichrist is revealed, his wickedness will be masked in a cunning disguise and he will lead many to destruction. (vs. 8-12)


    1. List some of the things that Christians should be doing in anticipation of Christ’s return.
    2. Why is it important for a Christian to be steadfast in what he or she believes, especially today?
    3. Think of places that you could be when Jesus Christ returns… Of all those places, which is the one place where you would most like to be when He returns? Which of those places is the one  place where you definitely don’t want be when He returns?
    4. Teenagers and young adults have had great influence over revival movements in the past.  Do you believe that it is possible for the current generation of teens and young adults to have a positive impact on the church today? How or why?
    5. Where is the temple of the Holy Spirit today (See 1 Corinthians 3:16, if you need help answering this question.)?
    6. When Jesus returns, what will happen to the Holy Spirit? 
    7. After Jesus returns, who will come on the scene on earth as a leader?
    8. In your opinion, why is the world’s system designed to attract younger generations to partake of all it has to offer?
    9. If more and more teens follow the world instead of Jesus Christ, what will happen to the church?
    10. How easy would it be for you to be enticed to follow after the world’s system if it offered money and popularity?

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