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2 Thessalonians 2:13-17 Notes & Questions

2 Thessalonians 2:13-17 Notes & Questions

2 Thessalonians 2:13-17


This passage is a call for spiritual maturity as Christians wait for Jesus Christ to return:

  1. Realize that you are chosen and sanctified. (vs. 13-14)
  2. Stand fast. v. 15)
  3. Be established. (vs. 16-17)


Realize that you are chosen and sanctified (vs.13-14)

  • God chooses you as His child.
  • He chose to give His only Son up as payment for your sin debt.
  • He chose you because of His great love for you.
  • He sets you apart from sin, cleanses you unto holiness, and clothes you in the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
  • He chooses you by the call of the gospel to the glory of Jesus Christ!

Stand fast

In the midst of a seemingly out-of-control downward spiral of today’s world, God calls you to stand fast:

  • Stand fast in the traditions of the faith. (v. 15)
    • Hold on to the truth of the Bible.
    • Hold on to sound doctrine.
    • Hold on to preaching the Word.
    • Hold on to what you have been taught.
    • Hold on to those things that are proven and tested by the Spirit.

Be established

  • Established in the good hope of Jesus Christ. (v. 16)
  • Established and consoled in your faith. (v. 16)
  • Established in your heart for the ministry of the gospel. (v. 17)
  • Established in every good work and in every word. (v.17)


    1. How did God choose you to be His child?
    2. Describe the call that God placed on you to trust the gospel of Christ for salvation?
    3. How would you describe your life before God set you apart from sin? How is your life different now that you are saved by grace?
    4. What are indications in your life that God is doing a work of sanctification?
    5. As a teen, it is always attractive to go for new things and be adventurous… Paul instructs Christians to hold on to their traditions.  How does this apply to 1) the way we worship? 2) the music we listen to and songs we sing, and 3) the way we honor God in service?
    6. What is your view on the “traditional” Bible? What Bible version do you use? Have you ever wondered why there are so many (by most counts, hundreds) English-language versions of the Bible? Why do you think there are so many, with dozens of new versions published each year? [Note: Please see the remarks at the end of these questions concerning this topic of tradition.]
    7. How can you stand fast in what you have been taught?
    8. How can a teen develop and demonstrate a heart for the ministry of the gospel?
    9. What does it mean to stand fast and to be established?
    10. Is a teenager who moves from church to church, complaining about the preaching, unsatisfied with the music, and irritable with the youth pastor established? Why or why not?
NOTES concerning Question 6:
First of all, it is important for you to understand that we believe that the Word of God is without error, unchangeable, and alive to every believer who chooses to read it and apply it in their life.  We believe that the Word of God should be memorized and meditated upon so that the issues of life can be revealed through it.  We believe that the Word of God penetrates through every exterior facade that a person builds around themselves and cuts to the heart, even to the point of exposing a person’s sinful condition and revealing their need for a Savior.  
It is the view of RadicalYouthMinistry.com and rymmr.com that the King James Version of the Holy Bible is the English-language Bible translation of tradition and is a divinely preserved book. As the first widely distributed English-language Bible version, it became the accepted tool of purpose and power for many great revivals. Today, it stands as a true representation of the original Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic texts. Though the KJV has been criticized for readability, it is (by most reliable reading standards) the most easily understood text. It is the public domain English-language Bible that can be copied, distributed, and freely referenced without fear of copyright infringement or payment of royalty to a publisher. It is the Word we have learned, the Word we have heard and it is the traditional Word of God that we hold as final Authority for all that we do. 
By many accounts, there are hundreds of English-language translations, versions, and paraphrases in existence today, with dozens more produced each year.  While we respect each individual’s choice and their view on this issue, we encourage you to consider the reasons for so many Bible versions in the world’s most accepted language.  It is our hope that this question stimulated that consideration. 



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