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2 Thessalonians 3:1-18 Notes & Questions

2 Thessalonians 3:1-18 Notes & Questions

2 Thessalonians 3:1-18


Paul completes his messages to the Thessalonians by providing guidance:

  1. On ministering. (vs. 1-5)
  2. On orderliness. (vs. 6-12)
  3. On endurance. (vs. 13-18)


On ministering

Paul seeks prayer from the church and encouragement for the church: 

  • Prayer requests (vs. 1-3)
    • Liberty for Christ to be preached.
    • Glory for Christ.
    • Deliverance from persecution from without and from within.
    • Establish (ground) the church in the faith.
    • Protect the church and those who minister from evil.
  • Confidence in God’s work through the church. (v. 4)
  • Patiently wait in love for the return of Christ. (v. 5)

On orderliness

Paul stresses the need for order in the church and outlines how to deal with those who are disorderly:

  • Separate from disorderly behavior. (v. 6)
    • From those who cause disorderliness.
    • From those who neglect the Spirit-led traditions of the church.
  • Follow the example of orderliness and sound service. (vs. 7-9)
  • Recognize that service (work) is not optional.  (vs. 10-12)
    • Everyone has a role to fill in service to God.
    • The church is a ministry made up of those who serve God and others.
    • Our work must be orderly, quiet and productive.
    • There is no allowance for being a busy-body.

On endurance

  • Stay true to the good works of the Lord. (v. 13)
  • Correct and teach those who may be disobedient. (vs. 14-15)
  • Closing remarks to the church: (vs. 16-18)
    • The peace of the Lord is given.
    • The reminder that the Lord is present with the church is offered.
    • A personal sign is provided.
    • The grace of God is shared.


    1. Paul asks for several items as a matter of prayer.  Name those items.
    2. How often do you pray for any of those items for yourself, other Christians, or the ministry?
    3. Why do you think that the items Paul requested are important to Christians and the church?
    4. What are the hazards of disorderliness in the church?
    5. What are some ways that disorderliness can enter the church?
    6. Think of a time when someone in your youth group was disorderly.  Why do you think that person created disorder?
    7. Considering the above question, how was disorderliness handled? Did the way it was handled work?
    8. Teenagers and youth workers love to eat.  This passage tells us that if one does not work (in service to the Lord), he (or she) should not eat.  Based on that message, will anyone in your youth group will go hungry at the next youth activity?
    9. How does Paul instruct Christians to work?
    10. Have you ever known a person that you would call a busy-body? What actions caused you to come to that conclusion about the person? How could you help that person overcome their busy-body activity and truly get involved in serving the Lord?

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