Are You a Radical Christian Teen?
Are you a Christian teen? How about this: are you a radical Christian teen? There is a difference between being a Christian teen ( a Christian teen in name only) and being a radical Christian teen, one who demonstrates through his or her life how God has changed their life through His love and grace.
The question is, how can you tell a radical Christian teen from the “just part of the crowd” Christian teens that make up so many youth groups these days? The answer: A radical Christian teen will stand out from the crowd!
Standing out requires visible evidence… so, here’s five visible characteristics that will mark the life of a Christian teen and provide evidence of the radical difference Christ makes in their life. Here they are, in a specific priority… starting with the teen’s heart and moving to their witness for Christ.
A radical Christian teen will demonstrate:
- A radically changed heart
- A radically transformed life
- A radically different walk
- A radically solid testimony
- A radically brilliant witness
A radically changed heart
The changed heart of a radical Christian teen is a new heart with new desires for things of God, not old desires for the things of the world. Consider this passage from Ezekiel 36:25-27 (KJV):
This passage describes the new heart that God gives to a teen that has been gloriously changed by the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Note that the heart is clean and tender to the things of God, not stony and cold. The radical Christian teen will desire to do the will of God, learn His Word, and live for God, not for the world.
A radically transformed life
Romans 12:1-2 (KJV) are verses that describe the radically transformed life of a radical Christian teen:
Note that the radical Christian teen won’t be a conformer… one who fashions himself or herself after the ways of the world, seeking popularity over purity and seeking conformity over taking a stand for Christ. The radical teen will be a transformer, using the life-changing power of the Word of God to renew their mind and transform their life through godly living and service to Jesus Christ. Choosing not to conform, but to stand out as a Christian is radical behavior that only happens when a teen is sold out for Christ… in other words, he or she is a radical Christian teen.
A radically different walk
A radical Christian teen will have a new walk, or lifestyle, that is different from other teens. The radical Christian teen’s lifestyle is not of this world, but is of Christ. Colossians 2:6-7 (KJV) describes the new radical walk:
The radical Christian teen’s walk will be characterized by an unshakable faith in Jesus Christ and a thankful demeanor. Complaining, fear, and wavering will be foreign to him or her as they walk in Christ in this darkened world.
A radically solid testimony
Many teens in youth groups all across America claim the name of Jesus Christ, His salvation, and His grace in word only, not in action. These teens lack self control and discipline over their bodies, which results in behavior that is far from that of a Christian testimony to the world. Being a Christian means that the world should see Christ in us. A radical Christian teen will not only claim the promises of God, he or she will live those promises out through a “rock solid” testimony for Christ. Consider James 1:21-25 (KJV), which describes the difference between a hearer of the Word and a doer of the Word:
This passage instructs Christians to let the Word of God live and show through their actions. A radical Christian teen will take what he or she learns from the Word and will apply it to areas of his or her life in a manner that demonstrates Christ in their life.
Here’s another passage further illustrates how a radical Christian teen should live out their testimony for the Lord…
Philippians 4:5-9 (KJV)
Learning to live out the Word of God through your testimony is a radical change from average teen behavior. Being a radical Christian teen requires a desire to exercise self control, learn the Word, and then do what it says… producing a solid testimony for Christ to the world.
A radically brilliant witness
Finally, a radical Christian teen won’t be satisfied in knowing Christ and keeping that knowledge to himself or herself. Rather, he or she will let the love of Jesus Christ shine forth with brilliance as a light unto this world as described in Matthew 5:14-16 (KJV):
A radical Christian teen has no problem letting others see Jesus in him or her. They are eager to tell others about the grace of God and the change that Jesus brought to their life. They are prepared and ready to tell others of the hope that is within them (not with arrogance, but with a humble attitude and with a desire to win souls for Christ rather than turn them away) as described in 1 Peter 3:15 (KJV):
The above five characteristics are measurements for gauging your walk with God. Are you a radical Christian teen – a teen who is sold our for Jesus and willing to show Jesus to the world? It’s not easy… Living a separated and holy life, standing out for Jesus Christ, being a doer of the Word, and practicing soul-winning, visitation, and witnessing to others requires a radical Christianity that is uncommon among average teens in youth groups today. However, for the radical Christian teen, these things are evident in his or her life and their life is blessed as a result. What about you? Are you a radical Christian teen?