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Bringing Down a Giant – #2: By Being Faithful

Bringing Down a Giant – #2: By Being Faithful


  • 1 Samuel 17:16-22

Think About It:

Faithfulness is a key to being successful in your battles. Jesus explained that those who are faithful in little things will gain authority over greater things (Luke 19:17). The apostle Paul wrote that the most important requirement for those who serve God is faithfulness (1 Corinthians 4:2). David was faithful in his role as a shepherd. He handled his responsibilities with obedience, great care and attention. Like David, you can demonstrate faithfulness by:

  • Focusing on your role – what is it that God has you doing right now?
  • Following direction – are you obedient in your role?
  • Forgetting distractions – do you ignore things that would keep you from fulfilling your responsibilities?

Before you can bring down a giant, you need to be faithful in the little things. Would you be judged faithful right now?

Reflect on It:

  • Why is it important to be faithful in little things?
  • How does being faithful in your day-to-day responsibilities impact your readiness to serve God in unique situations?
  • What are some things that you can do to be more faithful?

Act on It:

Be faithful where you are!


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