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Bringing Down a Giant – #3: By Being Alert

Bringing Down a Giant – #3: By Being Alert


  • 1 Samuel 17:23-31

Think About It:

Sometimes we miss out on an opportunity for victory because we aren’t looking for it. David was alert to what was happening while being faithful to fulfill his task. He heard the battle cry of the Philistines. He perceived the fear of Saul’s men. He called for a stand for the cause of God. You can have victory over a giant problem if you are alert and:

  • Looking for the cause – is this a battle for you?
  • Listening for God’s call – has God prepared you for the fight?
  • Leading through opposition – are you able to overcome the challenges from others who don’t understand the battle?

Be alert and look for opportunities. God will use you when you hear and respond to His call.

Reflect on It:

  • What are some causes that you can be part of as a Christian serving God?
  • Are there any opportunities for you to use your talents and gifts to serve in your church?
  • How can you be more alert regarding opportunities to serve God?

Act on It:

Be alert to the call and the cause of Christ!


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