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Bringing Down a Giant – #4: By Being Prepared

Bringing Down a Giant – #4: By Being Prepared


  • 1 Samuel 17:32-40

Think About It:

Everything you do as a Christian should be preparing you for something greater. When confronted by Saul, David was able to tell how he was prepared to battle the giant. He did this by taking advantage of the opportunities and the abilities that God gave him. Similarly, you can be prepared by:

  • Taking advantage of opportunities – what are some things that you can do now to be ready to face a giant problem?
  • Testing gifts, talents and abilities – do you know what God has gifted you with to accomplish His will?
  • Tackling setbacks – are you able to overcome difficulty and move on?

Reflect on It:

  • Are you doing your best to be prepared to serve God when opportunities arise?
  • What are some activities that can help you be prepared to serve God?
  • How are you preparing physically, mentally and spiritually for Christian service?

Act on It:

Be prepared and ready for what God brings your way!


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