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Bringing Down a Giant – #5: By Being Confident

Bringing Down a Giant – #5: By Being Confident


  • 1 Samuel 17:41-47

Think About It:

Confidence is a key to success. But that confidence needs be in the right place. Rather than be confident in your own abilities, you should have:

  • Confidence in God’s provision – what has He provided to you that will help you overcome a giant problem?
  • Confidence in God’s preeminence – are you trusting in God’s supreme ability to win the battle?
  • Confidence in God’s plan – do you believe that God has a complete plan for you?

David knew his abilities, but he placed his confidence in God to win the battle against Goliath. Where’s your confidence? Do you have that same kind of confidence when it comes to the giants you face?

Reflect on It:

  • What gives you confidence to serve God?
  • Is it more important to have confidence in yourself or in God? Why?
  • In Philippians Chapter 3, Paul writes about “confidence in the flesh;” what does it mean to have no confidence in the flesh?

Act on It:

Be confident in God’s strength!


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