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July 8, 2012: Ephesians 4:17-32 Notes: After Paul emphasizes unity among the believers, he challenges them to live a practical Christianity that stands out among men, so as to draw others to Christ.  Paul’s challenge includes: An encouragement to walk in the newness of Christ, not as Gentiles (vs. 17-19) A challenge to learn and demonstrate the new life in Christ Read more

Notes: The apostle Paul continues his letter to the church at Ephesus bringing to recollection their state prior to conversion, and contrasts that state to the state of the converted saint, emphasizing the fruits of redemption in the following manner: The old life vs. the converted life (vs. 1-7) The fruits of redemption (vs. 8-13) The person of Christ in Read more

July 3, 2012: Galatians 6:1-18 Notes: Paul addresses the Galatians concerning their dealings one to another in the following situations: Dealing with a member who has fallen, or been overtaken by a fault (vs. 1-5) Dealing with those who provide instruction and those who are leaders in the church (vs. 6-10) Dealing with those who put emphasis on circumcision or fleshly evidence Read more