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All posts in Devotional

Daily devotional messages – short but not shallow… with a focus on growing in faith

No one ever said that being a Christian would be easy. In fact, being a Christian, or a “little Christ,” can be quite difficult. As one who claims the name of Christ, God has called you to a higher standard or goal for your life. Although your salvation doesn’t depend on meeting that high standard, it’s important to realize its impact on your witness for Christ. Read more
Purity is a key component of the truth. Purity is crystal clear. It reveals the truth and hides nothing. Without purity, there is no absolute truth. What remains is nothing more than a watered-down defiled imitation of truth that hinders those under its influence from knowing and practicing God’s will. When the truth is defiled or contaminated by false teaching, it not only loses its effectiveness; it becomes something else altogether Read more