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Articles to help develop a stronger walk by faith…

Today, many Christians are going solo and leaving the church environment behind. What they choose to believe is easily influenced by cultural trends that blur the boundaries between truth and fiction. This can lead to wrong beliefs rather than believing right... Read more
Sometimes you might hear the term “revival” mentioned at church and then just brush it off thinking that it probably applies to someone else, but not to you. After all, you’re a pretty good Christian, right? You have the talk and the walk. You know the verses and the hymns. You participate in both the praise and the worship. If someone ever challenges you to take a step of revival, you mentally reply with something like this, “What? Me need revival? Not!” Well, that might be true, but for most Christians, revival is a necessary step that’s periodically needed to help them grow more like Christ. Read more
Desperate times lead to desperate measures and often to misplaced trust. You may ask, "Where can I turn in these desperate times? I've lost confidence in everything... What can I trust for the truth?" As an answer, the words of the prophet Jeremiah come to mind... Read more
Often, we get so comfortable where we are that we stop moving and we sit still. When God wants us to move, we sense the discomfort of the task he has for us (witnessing to others, serving in ministry, resisting evil, or maybe just attending church faithfully) that we just sit still…We claim to have FAITH…bur real faith requires us to stand. Read more
It doesn't take much for us as a nation to get caught up in the political melodrama of national elections, constitutional challenges, and dark government conspiracies. A social media post here, a catchy phrase there, and the viral theme of "real change is needed" rises like a tsunami wave sweeping across the landscape of our nation. Read more
"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man." - The “no fear” attitude has not been limited to the secular segment. Its message of “I can do whatever I want and no one’s going to stop me” has infiltrated the Church. In many ways, as Christians with the justification of grace, some have crossed the line into areas that in times past would have been considered off-limits. Read more

Introduction Have you ever missed someone knocking on your door? Whether because you didn’t hear it, were too busy, or just intentionally ignored it, how would you feel if you discovered that you missed out on something special at the door? One of the strongest calls to revival to the church is given by Jesus in His revelation delivered to the Apostle John through supernatural Read more