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All posts in Youth Ministry

A collection of thoughts, ideas, news, and resources related to youth ministry…

There are a number of things that can poison and even destroy a youth ministry… Here’s a list of ten of those things. There’s a story behind the list. You can read the whole story here. Making “light” of the gospel (diminishing the gospel’s impact) Minimizing the Bible Distorting essential doctrine Centering on entertainment Assuming you know God’s will for Read more

It's important to make New Year's resolutions and goals that matter. Consider the reasons why we fail at keeping New Year’s resolutions. Sometimes its because the resolutions are too superficial. Many times its because we choose resolutions that are too challenging or require resources that we don’t have. The key to success is to choose resolutions that matter Read more
10 Things Teens Take for Granted… During a Sunday school discussion, I asked a group of teens to list things that they tend to take for granted. This was intended to be an ice breaker to lead into the meat of the lesson. There was so much participation, this became a lesson in itself. Read more