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Colossians 3:12-25 Notes & Questions

Colossians 3:12-25 Notes & Questions

Colossians 3:12-25


In the final part of Chapter 3 of Paul’s letter to the Colossians, Paul defines several articles of behavior and Christian responsibilities:

  1. Put on Christian behavior (vs. 12-17)
  2. Perform responsibilities (vs. 18-22)
  3. Practice service heartily (vs. 22-25)

Put on Christian behavior

Paul instructs Christians to live according to the manner of Christ:

  • Display humility through mercy, kindness, meekness, and patience – displayed from the innermost part of your being. (v. 12)
  • Practice forgiveness. (v. 13)
  • Demonstrate love through outward acts of love toward others. (v. 14)
  • Allow Christ to be evident in your life through:
    • The peace of God (v. 15)
    • The word of Christ (v. 16)
    • Deeds done in the name of Christ (v. 17)

Perform responsibilities

Paul calls to mind to the Colossians there responsibilities in various roles. This is similar to passages written to other churches, yet specific to the Christians at Colossi:

  • Wife’s responsibilities: (v. 18)
  • Husband’s responsibilities: (v. 19)
  • Children’s responsibilities: (v. 20)
  • Father’s responsibilities: (v. 21)
  • Servant’s responsibilities: (v. 22)

Practice service heartily

Paul encourages the Christians to practice there service in a manner worthy of the Lord:

  • Do all things heartily, keeping in mind that service is a testimony for the Lord: (v. 23)
  • Realize that there is a just reward for both good and bad service. (vs. 24-25)
    • Service performed well will be rewarded with good.
    • Service performed poorly or with the wrong intentions will be rewarded negatively. 
    • There is no recognition given according to the status of the person performing service.


    1. What does it mean to be humble?
    2. What are four ways that a person can display humility toward others?
    3. What do you think Paul is referring to by using the phrase “bowels of mercies”,
    4. How readily is forgiveness practiced between teens in your youth group, neighborhood or school?
    5. Describe how a teen can show love in action toward others.
    6. According to verses 15 through 17, how is Jesus Christ evidenced in a Christian’s life?
    7. Describe the general responsibility for Christian children and youth.
    8. What behavior of a teen would be well=pleasing to the Lord?
    9. If a Christian serves heartily, but serves to be honored by men, is the Christian serving well
    10. Give at least three examples of how a Christian teen can serve God hea?
    11. Consider this question, “What are the qualifications for salvation?”  Is that a legitimate question?  Why or why not?

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