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Galatians 6 Notes & Questions

Galatians 6 Notes & Questions

July 3, 2012: Galatians 6:1-18


Paul addresses the Galatians concerning their dealings one to another in the following situations:

  1. Dealing with a member who has fallen, or been overtaken by a fault (vs. 1-5)
  2. Dealing with those who provide instruction and those who are leaders in the church (vs. 6-10)
  3. Dealing with those who put emphasis on circumcision or fleshly evidence of their faith (vs. 11-18)

Dealing with those who have fallen

Paul stresses that we should have a spirit of meekness realizing that only by God’s grace have we not given into a temptation and been overtaken.

We must:

  • Restore one another (v. 1)
  • Help one another when in need (v. 2)
  • Be careful concerning boasting (v. 3)
  • Prove our own work (v. 4)
  • Recognize our own burdens (v. 5)

Dealing with those who teach and lead the church

Paul stresses that we should do good to those who are called by God to teach, preach, and lead.

We must:

  • Provide encouragement to teachers (v. 6)
  • Realize that we will reap what we sow regarding how we treat others who are our spiritual brothers and sisters (vs. 7-8)
  • Be faithful and consistent in our good works toward those in Christian service (v. 9-10)

Dealing with those who stress outward appearances (such as  “circumcision” during Paul’s time)

Paul calls to mind the dangers associated with placing an emphasis on circumcision.

Paul indicates that such an emphasis:

  • In the case of circumcision, was stressed to help prevent persecution from the Jews (v. 12)
  • Glorifies the flesh and not Jesus Christ (v. 13)
  • Does nothing as a testimony to Christ – only the testimony of a new creature brings glory to Christ (v. 15)


  1. What are three characteristics that a Christian should exhibit when dealing with someone who has been overtaken by a sin?
  2. What is the danger of holding ourselves up as an example to others who may have been overtaken by a sin?
  3. How should a Christian treat someone who needs help with a burden?
  4. Is judging another Christian for committing a sin appropriate Christian behavior? Why or why not?
  5. Why do you think it is important to encourage those who teach the Bible and serve in the ministry?
  6. List some ways that you can encourage your Sunday School Teacher, Youth Pastor, or other church leaders.
  7. What are some “outward appearances” that Christian teens focus on, especially in their youth groups?  Is focusing on these things a healthy practice for a Christian teen?
  8. Does conforming to a worldly appearance rather than maintaining modest Christian standards for appearance glorify the flesh at the expense of Christ? Why or why not?
  9. What is the most important factor in your Christian testimony?
  10. What are some “outward appearances” that can harm your testimony for Christ?




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