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Ephesians 1 Notes & Questions

Ephesians 1 Notes & Questions


Paul’s letter to the church at Ephesus begins with an introduction and a detailed description of the pillars of our Christian faith:

  1. Blessings and grace from God (vs. 1-3)
  2. Redemption through Jesus Christ (vs. 4-7)
  3. Guidance through the Holy Spirit (vs. 8-15)
  4. Characteristics of conversion (vs. 16-23)

Blessings and grace from God

Paul greets the faithful church body and immediately offers praise to God for His provision.

  • Grace and peace from God (v. 2)
  • Blessings and a heavenly home in Christ (v. 3)

Redemption through Jesus Christ

Paul describes the manner in which Jesus Christ provides redemption and a new life for those who believe on Him.  Christ has:

  • Chosen us before the foundation of the world (v. 4)
  • Called us to holiness (v. 4)
  • Redeemed us to be blameless before Him (v. 4)

Through Christ, God has:

  • Adopted us into His family through Jesus Christ (v. 5)
  • By grace, and through Christ, made us acceptable in His sight (v. 6)
  • Redeemed us by the blood of Christ (v. 7)
  • Forgiven our sins (v. 7)

Guidance through the Holy Spirit

Paul begins to list the evidence of our faith through the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of a Christian.  Here, Paul cites the following provisions:

  • Wisdom (v. 8 )
  • Prudence (good judgment through a disciplined life) (v. 8 )
  • Knowledge of God’s will (vs. 9-12)
  • Security of our salvation through Christ (v. 13)
  • Our inheritance through Christ (v. 14)

Characteristics of conversion

In the remainder of chapter 1, Paul offers his observations on characteristics exhibited by the converted church, along with encouragement to continue to grow in their testimony of their faith.  Specifically, Paul observes the following characteristics:

  • Faith in Christ (v. 15)
  • Love to fellow believers (v. 15)

Paul encourages the believers to continue to demonstrate their new life in the following manner:

  • Giving thanks for all things (v. 16)
  • Prayer (v. 16)
  • Wisdom (v. 17)
  • Revelation of the knowledge of Christ (v. 17)
  • Enlightenment regarding the gifts of God and their purpose in the ministry (v. 18)
  • Experiencing the power of God (v. 19)
  • Understanding of Christ’s position and our relationship to Him (vs. 20-23)


  1. What are three reasons (provisions from God) that we should always offer our praise to God the Father?
  2. What does it mean to be holy and without blame before God (see v. 4)?
  3. What are four things that God the Father does for believers when they accept His gift of salvation through Jesus Christ?
  4. What does it mean for believers to have the “adoption of children by Jesus Christ” (see v. 5)?
  5. How does a believer become “acceptable” in God’s sight?
  6. Is it possible for a believer to become “unacceptable” to God after trusting in Christ as Savior? Why or why not?
  7. What are the two most predominant characteristics exhibited by a believer?
  8. How can a Christian teen (or other believer) demonstrate love for fellow believers?
  9. How can a Christian teen (or other believer) grow in the knowledge of Christ?
  10. What are some ways that the power of God is evidenced in a Christian teen’s life?

Think about this: How does Paul describe Jesus Christ’s position with respect to all things? What is your position with respect to Jesus Christ?


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