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Ephesians 3 Notes & Questions

Ephesians 3 Notes & Questions

July 6, 2012: Ephesians 3:1-21


In Chapter 3 of the apostle Paul’s letter to the church at Ephesus, Paul concentrates on the ministry of Christ, first by revelation of the mystery of Jesus Christ through the Gentiles, then by the working of Christ through Paul himself, and finally the ministry to the Ephesians, which should be carried forth by the church.  In that manner, the chapter is divided as follows:

    1. The mystery of Christ to the Gentiles (vs. 1-6)
    2. The ministry of Christ through Paul (vs. 7-13)
    3. The ministration to the Ephesians (vs. 14-21)

The mystery of Christ to the Gentiles 

Chapter 3 begins with Paul directing his message to the Gentiles.  Note in verse 1 that Paul actually uses the phrase “to you Gentiles” as he addresses the church at Ephesus. We can recall from Acts 20 that Paul had spent time with the Ephesians ministering directly to them and teaching them of the dispensation of grace as opposed to the law.  Here, Paul refreshes the message to say:

  • His ministry has led to bondage for the cause of Christ (v. 1)
  • The mystery of grace was delivered by God and was not just Paul’s opinion (vs. 2-3)
  • The mystery of Christ’s relationship to Gentiles is explained in Paul’s letter (v. 4)
  • Although the mystery was spoken of by the Prophets, man’s understanding came when the Holy Spirit was given to the Apostles and then to other believers (v. 5)
  • The mystery is exposed: the promise that God extended to Abraham is extended to the Gentiles through Jesus Christ (v. 6)

The ministry of Christ through Paul

After bringing light to the mystery of grace that comes through Jesus Christ, Paul begins to share with the Ephesians his personal calling.

  • By the power of Christ, Paul was made a minister or a servant of Christ working under Christ’s direction (v. 7)
  • Paul humbly proclaims his standing among the saved, as one least deserving of the privilege of being a minister or a steward over the mysteries of Jesus Christ (v. 8)
  • The mysteries are described as “unsearchable riches” because to man the revelation of God is incomprehensible under normal investigative methods. It is by the work of the Holy Spirit guiding the believer to truths greater day by day that these mysteries are revealed. Many Christians who are haphazard in their worship and study of the Word wonder why their understanding of God, His way, and His will is lacking. In truth, through consistent, systematic study, prayer, and worship, God will reveal the “unsearchable riches” to the believer. (vs. 8-9)
  • The revelation of these mysteries is intended to equip the church for the mission of Jesus Christ, that the mission would be accomplished in awesome and wonderful ways that can only be attributed to the wisdom and understanding that comes from God. Through such wisdom and understanding, and the works that come from it, the purpose of Christ is magnified and glorified. (vs. 10-11)
  • Our relationship and dependence on Jesus Christ gives us confidence and boldness to accomplish the mission of ministry – a boldness and confidence that could come from no other source. (v. 12)
  • At the time Paul wrote this letter, he was under heavy persecution.  This could have been a discouragement to some in the church, even to cause “fainting” or falling away from the faith.  Even today, we see that when leaders are persecuted or face severe ministry hindrances, church members get discouraged, become less faithful, and even drift out of church altogether.  As Paul wrote to the Ephesus church, this ought not be so – because these persecutions, tribulations, and trials are all for the glory of the church. (v. 13)

The ministration to the Ephesians

Once Paul brings up the problem of Ephesus members being discouraged to the point of “fainting”, he describes his specific ministry for those believers.  We see Paul describe the actions that we should take to edify the church:

  • Paul prays, on his knees, humbly seeking God’s help to encourage the Ephesians in a time of discouragement.  Every believer should be careful to be sensitive to the needs of others, even while they are experiencing trials.  Paul’s testimony of ever-seeking God’s blessing on those he ministered to should be a call to action for today’s church to help encourage and lift up fellow members so that they can strive to grow in the mystery of grace and spread the gospel to a lost and dying world. (vs. 14-15)
  • Paul specifically prays for the following:
    • That believers would be strengthened by the Holy Spirit (v. 16)
    • That believers’ faith in Christ would be rooted and grounded in love (v. 17)
    • That the believers’ understanding of the mysteries of grace would increase (vs. 18-19)
    • That the believers would grow in the love of Christ (v. 19)
    • That the believers would gain access to the riches of Christ (vs. 16-19)
  • Finally, Paul closes this chapter with a doxology of praise and recognition to the Lord:
    • For His ability to exceed all of our expectations and dreams through the power that works in us (v. 20)
    • For Christ to be glorified in the church forever (v. 21)


  1. What do you base your understanding of Jesus Christ on – truth or opinion? What is the biblical basis for what you believe?
  2. What is the Gentiles part of God’s promise to Abraham? How do the Gentiles have an inheritance of this promise?
  3. How can you gain a better understanding of God’s Word and the work He desires to do in you?
  4. What does it mean to be a minister of Christ?
  5. What are some of the “unsearchable riches” that you have discovered through the Holy Spirit’s work in your life?
  6. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the best, how would you rate your consistency and faithfulness in worship, service, and study of the Word (Be honest!)?  What could you do to improve that rating?
  7. Describe an example of something you have witnessed that can only be attributed to the power of God at work.
  8. List three ways that a teen can be an encouragement to others in the church, even in tough times.
  9. Think of three people in the church that you can pray for and list how you will pray for each person specifically.
  10. How can you (as a Christian teen) glorify God in your life by ministering to others?

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