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Ephesians 5:15-33 Notes & Questions

Ephesians 5:15-33 Notes & Questions

July 10, 2012: Ephesians 5:15-33


At the beginning of chapter 5, Paul contrasted the old man with the new man as the difference between darkness and light.  The remainder of the chapter, beginning in verse 15, focuses on specifics for godly living.  Paul provides the following instructions for Christians:

  1. General instructions for godly behavior (vs. 15-21)
  2. Instructions to wives regarding godly behavior toward husbands (vs. 22-24)
  3. Instructions to husbands regarding godly behavior toward wives (vs. 25-29)
  4. Comparisons regarding the marriage relationship to that of the church (vs. 30-33)

General instructions for godly behavior

Paul reiterates how Christians should walk, or how they should live their lives:

  • Be careful, be consistent, be wise (v. 15)
    • Paul instructs the Ephesians to walk “circumspectly”.  This means that as Christians, we must be careful to live in a consistent manner, always alert for dangers that may harm our testimony, and always seeking to live as Christ modeled for us.  Paul also uses the phrase “not as fools, but wise” to further stress the matter of wisdom when making life choices in contrast to the danger of foolish living.
  • Make good use of the time God gives (v. 16)
    • Paul understood that time is a precious commodity.  No one knows how much time God has allocated to each of us.  As a result, we should live every minute as if it were the last.
    • This is a very difficult thing to do, especially when you are young. Teens see their whole lives ahead, so hours watching television or playing video games doesn’t seem wasted. 
    • It doesn’t get much easier as an adult.  We look back and wish we could re-live wasted moments, but in truth, we continue to waste our time in any manner of activities that don’t help us fulfill God’s will. 
    • We can more effectively redeem our time – make each moment count – when we truly realize that a moment wasted can never be retrieved.
    • Note that Paul gave a reason for making every moment count – “because the days are evil”. Every day, it seems there is more and more evil in the news.  We find that the world is not getting more godly, it is becoming more evil. We must take every opportunity to glorify God so that the light of the gospel can be spread in these evil days.
  • Seek God’s will (v. 17)
    • We are not to be foolish about our service to God. We must diligently seek His personal will by gaining wisdom from the Bible and from the preaching and teaching of the Word. 
    • Additionally, we must understand what God’s general will is regarding Christian behavior. This includes living in a manner that is holy, pure, humble, and modest; not following the pattern of the world.
  • Live a Spirit-filled life (vs. 18-21)
    • Paul contrasts being drunk with wine to being filled with the Holy Spirit. There are a number of ways this could be described, especially considering some of the uses of wine from the time that Paul wrote his letter. But, let’s stress the key thought – to live a Spirit-filled life.
    • If we consider drunken behavior, we know that it is readily apparent to observers.  The same should be so for a Spirit-filled Christian – evidences of the Holy Spirit should be readily apparent to those around us.
    • This includes praising God with our mouths and our hearts (Paul mentions speaking psalms and singing hymns and spiritual songs. This should be in the heart of the believer rather than worldly music. The condition of our heart will be indicated by what we sing and what we listen to.)
    • Being Spirit-filled is also indicated through a thankful heart that recognizes the source of all things, and gives thanks to God for them.
    • Finally, Paul cites a spirit of submission as another outward sign of being Spirit-filled, considering God’s authority over all things and His command that we love one another and treat our neighbors kindly.

Instructions to wives regarding godly behavior toward husbands

After providing general guidelines for Christian behavior, Paul gets specific regarding wives and husbands as he establishes a setting for contrasting the church’s relationship to Christ to the wife’s relationship to her husband. Specifically, Christian wives should:

  • Honor their husbands by submitting to their leadership and authority as established by God. (v. 22)
  • Recognize that God established the husband as the head, just as Christ is the Savior and Head of the church (v. 23)
  • Be subject to their husbands, especially in matters of the home and church. Paul goes further by saying wives should be subject “in all things” just as the church is subject to Christ. 
    • Note that this culminates the wife’s position with respect to her husband.
    • It also sets the basis for picturing the church as the wife in a marriage relationship, while Jesus Christ is pictured as the Husband.
    • Hence, the bride of Christ (the church) waits in submission and as subject to the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ.

Instructions to husbands regarding godly behavior toward wives

Paul continues with instructions, this time to husbands… Specifically, Christian husbands should:

  • Love their wives unconditionally and sacrificially (v. 25)
  • Build up their wives spiritually and set a godly example (v. 26-27)
  • Love their wives unselfishly, putting them first and ensuring that their needs are met (vs. 28-29)
  • Cherish and honor their wives (v. 29)
    • The comparison of a husband’s love goes well beyond romance… It is compared to the love of Jesus Christ that compelled Him to go to the cross and give His life for those He loved.
    • Likewise, husbands should be willing to sacrifice each day for their wives, cherishing the moments together and longing for them when apart.

Comparisons regarding the marriage relationship to that of the church

Paul wraps up this chapter by completing the contrast:

  • We are all members of the body of Christ and, as a man and woman leave their families to be joined together in marriage, we leave our old life to be joined together with Christ. (vs. 30-31)
  • The church will join as one with Christ, as husband and wife join through marriage to become one. (v. 31)
  • Paul describes this union as a “great mystery” concerning Christ and the church. Indeed, the union of the church to Christ is difficult to comprehend in human terms. But, there is a day coming, at the marriage supper of the Lamb of God, when the union will occur. Just as marriage (as intended by God) is for one man and one woman forever, there will be a lasting (eternal) bond between the church and Christ.


    1. What is the difference between wise behavior and foolish behavior?
    2. How can foolish behavior create problems for a Christian teen or adult?
    3. What are some dangers that Christian teens (or adults) need to be wary of as they try to live for God?
    4. Consider the “normal” 24 hour day that you spend and divide the day according to your usual activities… How well would you say that you are “redeeming the time”? What could you do better with the time?
    5. What are some effective uses of a Christian teen (or adults) time that can help spread the light of the gospel to a darkened world?
    6. Does the music you listen to reflect your heart? Why or why not? And, is the reflection a good one?
    7. What are some indications of a Spirit-filled teen (or adult)?
    8. Paul indicates that being filled with the Spirit will result in giving thanks for all things (v. 20).  With this in mind, is it possible to be filled with the Spirit and complain about things? Why or why not?
    9. Describe how Paul’s model for a husband and wife differs or is similar to what is usually seen in marriages today.
    10. How does marriage picture the relationship of the church to Jesus Christ?

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