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How to Make a Difference in the World Around You…

How to Make a Difference in the World Around You…

God’s Word tells us that we must be ready to tell others about the hope that is in us. It also tells us that we have the responsibility to make a difference by being a light to a darkened world. Here are some verses from the Bible that give that instruction…

There are many other verses in the Bible that relate to this principle. But these make the general point that we are to shine a light by being ready to show forth God’s glory and tell others about Him. In all practicality, how can a teen make a difference? Think about how you came to know Jesus Christ as your Savior. What did you do? Who was involved?

Receiving the gift of eternal life is not too complicated. Salvation is a gift and there’s only one thing we need to do to be saved – receive the gift. In Romans 10:13, the Bible tells us that whoever calls upon Jesus will be saved. Therefore, salvation comes by faith, believing on Jesus Christ, and calling on Him to save. That’s how the gift is received.

God uses people to carry that gift to others in the form of the gospel, which is the good news about Jesus Christ. As a Christian teen, you can carry that news to friends, neighbors, people you encounter during your day, or any people you intentionally share the gift with on purpose. But the key is sharing the gift on purpose. You carry it, someone receives it, and Jesus saves! That makes a difference.

Teens encounter many obstacles to sharing the gospel, starting with fear and lack of confidence and running through any number of other reasons (or excuses) from there.

Here are 10 things that might help you overcome those obstacles and be a newsboy (or girl) for Jesus:

  1. Don’t fear! God has not given you a spirit of fear. He has given you love and a sound mind in Christ. The devil wants you to fear what others think. But God wants you to trust that He provides the power to overcome that fear. (2 Timothy 1:7)
  2. Don’t make excuses! There’s always something else that you could be doing, but there’s nothing as important as sharing the gospel with someone who is lost and on their way to… hell.
  3. Believe that hell is real and those who don’t trust in Christ spend eternity there. Maybe if we all could see a glimpse of hell, we would be more active at carrying the good news to those who need it. The Bible talks about hell quite a bit. God’s Word is true. Hell is a real place and real people will end up there.
  4. Believe that heaven is real and Jesus is preparing it for those who believe. Sometimes we don’t get busy about sharing the good news because we are too caught up in today’s activities and not thinking about eternity. We need to be a little heavenly-minded and start inviting others to join us own our way to get there.
  5. Get ready! Confidence comes from being prepared. Being prepared to carry the news requires you to be in the Word and practicing the Word. (Romans 12:1-2; James 1:22)
  6. Have a story to tell. This is your testimony. You need to have it down, ready to tell in a short conversation. This is not intended to mean that you should distract from the gospel, but being able to tell of the evidence in your life can help set the stage for the Holy Spirit to do His work when the gospel is communicated.
  7. Know Jesus’ story and tell it. This is essential because it is THE NEWS. God loved. Jesus came. He died for our sins. He rose again. He saves those who believe. There’s a little more to it than that, but that’s a pretty good outline. Know the story and boldly tell it!
  8. Fall in love with Jesus. The truth is, if we would really fall in love with Jesus, we would do what is important to Him. His final words on this earth were related to spreading the gospel so that the lost would be saved. How much do we really love Jesus if we aren’t trying to do His work here on earth? (John 14:15; Matthew 28:19-20)
  9. Get an accountability partner. Have a friend join you as you try to share the gospel. Make a commitment that you will share the gospel and have a friend check up on you.
  10. Have faith and just do it! There’s no better way to overcome the obstacles to sharing the gospel than to trust God and just do it. And when you do it, remember that you are planting seeds. Sometimes the seeds will blossom and produce fruit that you can see. Other times they may require more watering. But have faith that God will use you and bring those who need the gospel your way. And when someone decides to believe on Jesus and be saved, celebrate! There’s a celebration in heaven for every soul that is saved! (Luke 15:7)
Can a teen make a difference…? You better believe it. We’ll provide testimonies of those who have made a difference on desertislandfaith.com later.
(NOTE: This article was first published on radicalyouthministry.com. It’s provided here in order to reach a wider audience.)
©2017, 2018 Ron Faciane / radicalyouthministry.com.

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