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Philippians 1:1-30 Notes & Questions

Philippians 1:1-30 Notes & Questions

July 13, 2012: Philippians 1:1-30


In bondage through persecution against his ministry, Paul writes a letter of encouragement and thanksgiving to the Philippians.  In this brief letter, Paul offers a letter of hope, challenge, and vision for the ministry of the church and for the individual believer.  Here in chapter 1, Paul lays the groundwork for this remarkable epistle from the Word of God. The chapter shapes up as follows:

    1. Appreciation for the saints (vs. 1-11)
    2. Success under persecution (vs. 12-14)
    3. Gospel of results (vs. 15-19)
    4. Preparation for God’s will (vs. 20-30)

Appreciation for the saints

Paul establishes his message with Timothy at his side with gratefulness to the church, by:

  • Offering greetings, grace, peace, and thanks. (vs. 1-3).
  • Encouraging the Philippians with his record of prayer for them and his remembrance of their service to the gospel. (vs. 4-5)
  • Encouraging the Philippians that God is faithful to complete the work He started in them through Jesus Christ. (v. 6)
  • Assuring the church that he would be with them if he were free from his bonds. (v. 7-8)
  • Praying for their productive ministry of the gospel. (vs. 9-11)
    • That their love would abound.
    • That they would grow in knowledge so to exercise sound judgment.
    • That they would be sincere and would partake of the excellent things of Christ, having no offense in His name.
    • That their ministry would abound with fruit that would bring glory to Christ.

Success under persecution

Here Paul describes how his bondage and persecution has not hindered the success of the gospel.  He does this by:

  • Showing how his bondage has resulted in growth of the gospel. (v. 12)
  • Because of his bondage and the notoriety of them, many brethren have increased in boldness and proclaim the gospel with greater passion. (vs. 13-14)

Gospel of results

Paul describes the situation that has occurred where some have preached the gospel out of wrong intentions, but even so, the gospel has profited. Paul describes the results gained by the gospel in spite of those who don’t necessarily carry it with care:

  • Paul identifies the issues that arise when the gospel is not preached with the proper care. (vs. 15-16)
    • Envy and strife
    • Contention
    • Insincerity
    • Adding to the burden of other faithful servants, such as adding to Paul’s bondage.
  • Paul notes that some carry the gospel with love, which benefits Paul’s ministry, even while he is in bondage. (v. 17)
  • The preaching of Christ, regardless of the sincerity of those who preach it, will bring results. (vs. 18-19)

Preparation for God’s will

Paul concludes this introductory chapter with one of the famous passages relating to his testimony and his commitment to the ministry. He expresses:

  • His desire to magnify Christ through his body, whether through life, persecution of death. (v. 20)
  • His struggle between the life and death, knowing the benefits of his service to Christ through life, and the gain he would receive through death. (vs. 21-24)
  • His realization that God’s will is for him to continue in life, whether in bondage or free, to serve the church. (vs. 25-26)
  • His communication to the church that these same struggles will be experienced by other believers as they endeavor to serve God according to His will. (vs. 27-30)
    • Regardless of the circumstances that believers experience, they must:
      • Live in a way that glorifies Christ, regardless of who may be ministering with them.
      • Stand fast in one spirit and one mind for the sake of the gospel.
      • Be courageous in the face of adversaries who may challenge their walk with God.
      • Not only believe on Christ, but suffer for Him.
      • Realize that the same conflict between life and death that Paul experienced will be found in them.


    1. What are some ways that you can show appreciation your friends who serve along side you in your youth group or small group?
    2. God is at work in every Christian helping prepare them to fulfill His will.  What evidence do you have that God is at work in you?
    3. How is God faithful to complete the work He is doing in you?
    4. Considering how Paul served God while in bondage and persecution, why is it so easy for many Christians to make excuses regarding Christian service as a matter of inconvenience?
    5. Have you ever seen someone who uses the gospel carelessly?  What kind of results did you notice?
    6. In verse 21, Paul writes “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain”.  What do you think Paul meant by that statement?
    7. Although Paul struggled with the issue of life and death, what conclusion did he reach and why?
    8. What are some ways that you remain encouraged to serve Christ even when there are challenges and struggles that are greater than you expected?
    9. What are some adversaries that a teen (or an adult) faces when trying to walk with the Lord?  How did Paul instruct believers to deal with those adversaries?
    10. When the going gets tough, and you know that it might be easier to give up than to keep pursuing God’s will, how do you think that you would respond?  What can you do to prepare for those tough times?

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