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Philippians 2:1-30 Notes & Questions

Philippians 2:1-30 Notes & Questions

July 14, 2012: Philippians 2:1-30


In the second chapter of Philippians, Paul instructs the church on the following:

    1. Humility in the model of Christ (vs. 1-11)
    2. Obedience in the model of service (vs. 12=30)

Humility in the model of Christ

Here, Paul starts to get to the meat of his message, recognizing the Philippians for their spirit of humility and love, and further exhorting Christians to be like-minded:

  • Characteristics of humility and love (v. 1-4)
    • It comes from fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
    • It demonstrates mildness and unity:
      • like-minded toward the ministry
      • identifiable common love
      • agreement in spirit
      • common vision for the church
      • without strife
      • without vanity or self-promotion
      • lowliness
      • lifting up others
  • Modeling the image of Jesus Christ (vs. 5-11)
    • Having the mind of Christ.
    • Recognizing Christ’s rightful position.
    • Realizing all that Christ sacrificed through His love for us.
      • No reputation – born with no ceremony and without a home.
      • Servant – came not to be served, but to serve and seek the lost.
      • Likeness to men – though He was God, He took the form of His creation.
      • Humbled Himself – gave Himself up to the authority of man.
      • Obedient unto death – He lowered Himself from His immortal state, to take on all of the sins of man and stand in man’s place, even to die for man in the cruelest of all fashions… all because of His love for man.
    • Understanding that God recognizes all that is done for His cause. After all that Christ did, God:
      • Exalted Him above all things.
      • Glorified His name above all other names.
      • Ordained that all shall bow at the name of Jesus, and…
      • Every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
      • In spite of all the powers, political regimes, and religious systems that exist in this world, the humility and love of Jesus Christ will be recognized for eternity by His glory, exaltation, honor and Lordship over all.

Obedience in the model of service

Paul recognizes the Philippians for their obedience and instructs them in further obedience toward him and others in the faith. As Christians, we should:

  • Continue walking in obedience, realizing our salvation evidenced in good works. Not that salvation can be earned through any work of any person other than Jesus Christ – but salvation should give cause to the Christian to perform good works, according to God’s will and in order to give God pleasure. (vs. 12-13)
  • Demonstrate the traits of serving in humility and love. (vs. 14-18)
    • Don’t murmur or complain.
    • Don’t argue or create conflicts in the church.
    • Be without blame.
    • Be perceived as harmless toward the ministry.
    • Be outwardly recognizable as a child of God.
    • Be a light to the world.
    • Carry the testimony of the gospel of peace with God through Jesus Christ.
    • Rejoice in all things.
  • Paul cites the example of Timothy. (vs. 19-24)
    • Paul takes a considerable time to encourage the Philippians to receive Timothy by example.
    • He describes Timothy’s testimony and establishes his record of service as follows:
      • Paul trusts Timothy.
      • Timothy has the same mind toward the ministry as Paul.
      • Timothy’s reputation is known.
      • Timothy carried the gospel in service with Paul.
  • Paul recognizes Epaphroditus. (vs. 25-30)
    • The character of Epaphroditus is highlighted as being:
      • A brother.
      • A companion in labor.
      • An apostle to the Philippians.
      • A fellow soldier.
      • An affectionate friend.
    • The trials of illness and near death that Epaphroditus endured in service were also described as an encouragement to the Philippians to receive him with grace and love.


    1. What are characteristics of humility?
    2. Why do you think humility is stressed by Paul as a desirable attribute?
    3. Is it possible to be bold and yet be humble?  Explain why or why not.
    4. How can a Christian teen (or an adult) model their walk with God after Jesus Christ?
    5. How did Christ demonstrate humility as He walked among men?
    6. What are some examples of Christ-like behavior and un-Christ-like behavior?
    7. How can a Christian teen (or adult) be a light to the world around him/her?
    8. Name the two examples that Paul discussed in chapter 3?  What are some of their characteristics that warranted Paul mentioning them in his letter?
    9. What are some examples of laboring for Jesus Christ?
    10. If you were to have a choice to attend a church service activity or attend a major sporting event or concert, how difficult would that choice be for you?  What is the right choice based on Paul’s description of a model for service?

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