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Philippians 3:1-14 Notes & Questions

Philippians 3:1-14 Notes & Questions

July 16, 2012: Philippians 3:1-14


In chapter 3 off Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he provides a brief view into his past as a Jewish leader.  In a remarkable transformation, only possible through the power of Jesus Christ, Paul goes from an expert Jew who persecuted the early Christian church to a church planter, missionary, and staunch evangelist.  This passage describes: 

    1. A warning (vs. 1-3)
    2. A past (vs. 4-6)
    3. A new life (vs. 7-14)

A Warning

Simply put, here Paul calls Christians to follow God:

  • Follow God as His children (v. 1)
    • Being justified by grace and adopted into the family of God, we are as sons and daughters.
    • While we trust God for salvation, it is sometimes difficult to trust Him enough to follow Him.
    • To do so, we need to trust God with the faith of a child.
  • Walk in love, after the model of Jesus Christ (v. 2)
    • Jesus demonstrated His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, He gave himself up as an offering for us.

A Past Life

Paul recalls his life as a Jewish leader:


A New Life

Although Paul could glory in his past life among the Jews of that day, he prefers the less popular, but more perfect life as a Christian:



    1. Why did Paul say to be followers of God as “dear children”?
    2. What does it mean to walk in love?
    3. How did Jesus Christ demonstrate “walking in love”?
    4. What are some ways that Christian teens walk in darkness even after trusting Christ as Savior?
    5. Is it appropriate to straddle the fence between darkness and light? Why or why not?
    6. What are some worldly activities that tempt you and can cause a blemish to your testimony?
    7. How can a Christian teen walk in the light on a consistent basis?
    8. Looking at your youth group or small group, does its activities and its fellowship encourage activities of light? Why or why not?
    9. Why do you think that our fruit (results) as Christians is important?
    10. Is it be a genuine Christian and walk in darkness on a consistent basis? Why or why not?

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