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Stay True to Contentment (1 Timothy 6:6-8)

Stay True to Contentment (1 Timothy 6:6-8)

READ: 1 Timothy 6:6-8

1 Timothy 6:6-8 (KJV)
6  But godliness with contentment is great gain.
7  For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.
8  And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.


To stay true to contentment means that you are satisfied and thankful for what you have, realizing that is given to you by God… and God is all you need. When someone isn’t content, they will focus on ways to gain things that they believe will bring them contentment and happiness. But contentment and happiness don’t come from gaining more things like money, possessions or even relationships. Contentment comes from having one relationship – a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. When you focus on that relationship and on growing in godliness, your contentment will be in God Himself. Your focus will be more on Him and less on you. As a result, you will experience great gain through something eternal, not on the temporary things of this world.


  1. What are some reasons many Christians live discontent lives?
  2. What are some things that bring you contentment?
  3. Are you satisfied with your life? Are you satisfied with your relationship with God? How can you ensure that you are content as a Christian?


Experience the gain found in contentment through a relationship with Jesus Christ and not through the world!



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