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All posts tagged 1 John

Earlier in the apostle John's first letter, you find that one of the characteristics of real love is giving. When you love someone, you show it by giving to that person. God has a great love for you. He demonstrated His love to you by giving you a gift that is predetermined, precious, and priceless. Read more
A witness provides testimony of something with the intent that others would believe that testimony as truth. God provides you with a witness of Jesus Christ to persuade you to believe in Him as your Savior and as the Son of God. The apostle John lists several witnesses of Christ... Read more
ou want to win, right? For a Christian, winning means that you’ve overcome the world. God’s Word promises that if you have faith, you will have victory. To get the victory God promises, you must have genuine faith. Genuine faith is not just words. Genuine faith is the demonstration of what you believe through the way you live. Read more
There is no better place to be than under the banner that bears the name Jesus Christ, the bearer of God’s love for you. His love is one that completes, comforts, confides and constrains you to love as He does. If you need strength to stand, call to Jesus because His love gives you boldness. Read more
How much do you think about your home as your dwelling place? Having a home is something often taken for granted. But not everyone has a place that they can call home, which makes having a personal dwelling place a special thing. As special as it may be, even the best earthly dwelling place is a temporary thing. Read more
God is love and He loves you. He loves you with a purpose – to save you from your sin and restore you to Him. He places His love in you for a purpose – to love others with His love and lead them to Him. To do that, you must trust in God’s love and live His love through Jesus. Read more
It’s easy to allow the difficulties of this world bring you down. Trying to overcome daily trials and troubles may make you feel depressed, overwhelmed and even defeated. There is so much confusion and hurtful messaging, sometimes you might just want to give up. But you don’t need to feel that way. In fact, you shouldn’t feel that way. In Jesus Christ, you are an overcomer. Read more
There are lots of people who call themselves Christians yet teach something contrary to the Bible. That’s why it’s important for you to read and study God’s Word. It’s important for you to know what’s in God’s Word so that you can use it as a filter for what you hear from others. Read more