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All posts tagged 1 John

Pleasing God should be one of your prime objectives. In fact, God’s Word says in Revelation 4:11 that you were created for God’s pleasure. When you set out to please God, you give Him honor and glory by keeping God’s commandments and doing the things that Jesus spoke about. That starts with believing on Jesus’ name. Read more
You’ve probably heard someone say this before when you were struggling with a decision: “just follow your heart and you will be OK…” Well, hopefully you know that isn’t the truth! The prophet Jeremiah described the heart this way in Jeremiah 17:9, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” Read more

Love in Action

Categories: Devotional
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One of the great indications that you love someone is that you give to them. Giving is an act of compassion and generosity that places your focus on the one you love and not on yourself. When you choose to give, even when it may not be easy to give, you provide a demonstration of God’s love to others. Read more
How do you show someone that you love them? You can tell someone that you love them, but if your actions don’t show them, they will find it difficult to believe you. The apostle Paul wrote about demonstrating love in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. Read more
One of the first things a child learns is that obedience pleases their parents. That lesson applies to a child of God as well. Just as your disobedience displeases your earthly parents, your disobedience to God’s Word displeases God, your Heavenly Father. What motivates you to obey and please God is the same thing that motivates you to obey your earthly parents – love. Read more
It shouldn’t shock you that the world opposes you because you are a Christian. Being a genuine follower of Christ means that you have been accepted into God’s family because of His great love for you. The world doesn’t understand it. Read more
It’s more and more difficult to find Christian influence in the world today. The cultural shifts in society have caused a dramatic change in standards of morality and decency. Anti-Christian messages are pervasive in media, godly discipline is lacking in leaders, and ungodly behavior is socially acceptable. Read more
God wants you to be safe. He warns you to stay away from danger. One of those dangers is the world you live in. The world is a dangerous place. God didn’t create the world to be dangerous, but sin makes it so. Read more
The gospel message is not exclusive. It is inclusive. Think about what Jesus spoke in John 3:16. His message was that God loved the world (all who are in it) so much that He would give His Son for it. And whosoever (anyone, regardless of who they might be) could be forgiven Read more

READ: 1 John 2:7-11 KEY THOUGHT: Jesus gave a commandment to his disciples that applies to you today: “A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another” (). The apostle John recalls that commandment in his letter. He informs you that the commandment may seem new, Read more