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All posts tagged 2 John

No one likes a complainer. That also goes for anyone who is negative, judgmental, condescending… the list could go on and on. Knowing this, you and I must be careful about what and how we communicate so that others are not offended. The advent of instant messaging and social media makes what you communicate immediately accessible without any reconsideration; it is also available to a wider audience. Read more
A half-truth is not the truth. Even 99% of the truth is not the Truth. When it comes to God’s Truth, anything other than 100% Truth is a deception! To be sure that you are following God’s Truth, you must be able to recognize a deception. That means that you must know God’s Truth Read more

This is Love

Categories: Devotional
Comments: No
“What is love and will I ever find it?” I suppose that this is a question many of us have asked at some point in our youth as we search for the perfect answer that satisfies our longing for love. The apostle John provides an answer here: Love is walking (living, demonstrating, acting) in a way that satisfies God’s Truth. Read more
How do you measure what you do? What is your motivation for your actions? There is a phrase used by the apostle John in this letter that provides a good measure and a reliable motivation for a Christian’s actions: the Truth. There are many metrics that a person could use to measure their actions. Read more