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All posts tagged 2 Peter

God’s message contains truth. Truth brings you knowledge of God’s will. That knowledge prevents ignorance and helps you to stand fast in the grace of God. But it doesn’t end there. The apostle Peter instructs that you are to grow in grace and in knowledge – specifically the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Read more
Over many years of working with teens and their parents, I’ve too often seen teens get into trouble or their parents fall out of church, taking their families with them. While many excuses are given for these situations (bad school environment, wrong friends, difficult work schedule, church doesn’t mean as much as it used to…), Read more
There was a time when I lived each day as if it were my own. I made my plans, carried them out, and made more plans for the days ahead, not really considering what God’s plans were for me. As I got older, I began to understand what it meant to number my days (Psalms 90:12) and to treat each day uniquely as if it belonged to God Read more
Wouldn’t it be ideal if everyone’s timing was the same as yours? Not only would you never be late, but no one else would be late either. You would never need to wait on anyone or anything. Everything would happen right on time. Real life isn’t that way. Everyone and everything has his/her/its own timing. Read more
One of the most prevalent enemies of truth is ignorance. What makes ignorance so abundant is that it’s so easy to be ignorant. Ignorance is defined as “a lack of knowledge or information.” Essentially, ignorance is an enemy of truth because it is a lack of truth. Read more
There will always be those who doubt the sincerity of the truth - those who hold the truth in contempt and make a case against it. Those types of people are like the “scoffers” referred to by the apostle Peter. Scoffers have been around since Jesus walked the earth and those around today have loud voices and large followings. Read more
The second chapter of the apostle Peter’s second letter to the churches of Asia Minor is difficult for me to break into a week of daily devotions, so I'm including a supplemental devotion this week based on this entire chapter . Its focus is on false teachers, false doctrines and God’s just treatment of those who choose to imitate genuine Christianity Read more
Knowing Jesus as Savior and being able to defend your faith in Him is a great truth. But there’s even Truth that is surer than that. It’s the truth that’s contained in all of Scripture – the place where you will find assurance of all that God promises. That’s why it’s so important for you to know God’s Word Read more
How do you defend your faith? To defend your faith you need to have proof. You need to be able to testify. You need to be a witness. Peter writes about his eyewitness account of Jesus Christ. He says that it is not a fable but is truth. You may not have an eyewitness account to share, but you have the witness of the Holy Spirit. Read more
What you remember most is what’s most important to you. A married couple remembers their anniversary because it’s an important date that changed their life. Peter stresses that the things he writes about are important. He realizes that he won’t be around forever and there has to be others who will remember the things that are important. Read more