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All posts tagged 2 Peter

In the book of James, God’s Word tells us that faith without works is dead. This means that that a Christian who has been made alive by their faith in Jesus Christ will have evidence of their faith, which will be seen through their works. The things that Peter calls you to add to your faith are products and evidence of your faith. Read more
The secret to a great cake is the cake. It’s great on its own. But with a great cake, there’s things you can do to make it even better – maybe it’s frosting, decorations, or flavored fillings. All of those things add to the cake. Nevertheless, it starts with a great cake. That’s somewhat the case with faith. Read more
It’s always nice to receive a gift. In fact, some might say that all gifts are special. But we all know that some gifts are not just nice and special; some gifts are great! And those great gifts we hold precious. That’s what faith is – a precious gift of God that is more than great, because by faith you have access to God’s grace and His Salvation through Jesus Christ. Read more