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All posts tagged 2 Thessalonians Bible Study

When you endure a trial or persecution from others, you demonstrate your belief that God is in control. You have faith that He will not only get you through the trial, but that He also will judge those who oppose you. You must take care not to take things into your own hands and seek revenge against those who try to harm you. When you leave judgment to God, your testimony of belief becomes apparent to all you encounter. Read more
One of the easiest things that you can ever do is give up. It’s true – quitting is easy! Hanging on in a battle, through difficult circumstances, and against a tidal wave of opposition is quite a challenge. But you can have strength and courage to stay engaged by faith. And when the dust clears, you can find yourself standing by the grace of God with a testimony of endurance Read more

2 Thessalonians 1:1-12 Notes: Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians provides more details regarding daily living as the time of Christ’s return approaches.  Chapter 1 deals mostly with how to live in anticipation of Jesus’ return. After issuing greetings to the church in verses 1 and 2, he recognizes their: Faith, love and patience (vs. 1-4) Perseverance in persecution (vs. 5-12