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All posts tagged Christmas

As Christmas Day passes and Christmas night gets well underway, there seems to be a lull in the hustle and bustle of the holiday. The madness that permeates our society from pre-Thanksgiving through Christmas Eve fades into the past and there is now time to for me to reflect even more serenely on the wonder, majesty and meaning of Christmas. It is the quiet time of the day when I can pause to remember what this day meant this year and throughout history. Read more
What kind of answer would you get if you asked the average person, "What's Christmas all about?" I suppose for some, the answer would be based on the cultural message sent out by media, marketing, and mass promotion. Sadly, the answers would mostly miss the mark. We've done such a great job of blending the secular with the sacred that we seldom separate the two enough to give Christmas it's true identity. Read more