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All posts tagged Ephesians

We all know the story of David and Goliath, right? (If not, you can read about it in the Bible in the book of first Samuel chapter 17.) Think about David, the youngest boy of his family at the time, taking food to his big brothers on the front line against the Philistines. When he got to the battle, he found that none of Israel’s army were willing to stand Read more
What do you use your lips for? In combination with other parts of our mouth, our lips enable us to communicate with one another verbally. The manner of our speech reflects our hearts. In Matthew 15:16, when Jesus spoke to religious leaders about the a person’s speech, he said that what proceeds out of our mouths comes from the heart. Read more
One of my favorite activities with teen groups is capture the flag. Traditionally, we play it on a wooded field in the total darkness of a night with no moonlight. We wear dark clothes so that we blend into the darkness and can stay hidden. As our eyes become accustomed to the darkness, even people in dark clothes are able to be seen. Read more
When was the last time that you had something lying around in your room or maybe all around the house, and you were told to put those things away. In other people’s eyes, leaving those things out was not appropriate. We all have things we leave out or even carry around with us that we should learn to put away Read more
Have you ever been asked, “Why don’t you grow up?” Sure, we all have been asked that same question, probably many times. Although we look forward to growing up and being more mature, we sometimes get really comfortable and feel pretty secure staying where we are. As a result, it is difficult making the changes needed to “grow up”. Read more
For as long as I’ve been a youth worker (and that’s been a long time), I can count on one thing: the pizza buffet is always a favorite for teens. There are several varieties of pizza, dessert pizza, pasta, and... (almost forgot this one…) ...salad. What happens at the buffet line is pretty incredible to watch. Read more
No one deserves God’s grace. That’s why it’s called grace. Grace is “getting something I don’t deserve”. So, by the nature of the meaning of the word, no one deserves God’s grace. Because of his past and the miraculous change that he experienced, Paul was especially sensitive to this. Read more
Completing a jigsaw puzzle can be a rewarding experience. Fitting all of the randomly cut pieces together just right produces a picture that can’t be seen when all of the pieces are apart. But, it can be frustrating if any of the pieces are missing. God loves you and He wants you to be a piece of the big picture of His family. Read more
Think back to a time that you were surprised with a gift that you didn’t deserve. I can remember afternoons when my dad came home from work and had a special treat for me… even on days when I had been disobedient. Even better, I can think of a time when I had been caught in deep trouble and yet was pardoned and set free Read more