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All posts tagged Ephesians

Have you ever really thought about how great truly God is? Sure, we can think of it in song titles: He’s an awesome God! My God is so big! He’s mighty to save! And His love is so deep and wide! But, let’s get really personal here, and ask the really deep question—how BIG is GOD to YOU? Read more
Paul wrote this letter to encourage the believers in the church at Ephesus to remain strong in their faith in Jesus Christ. In these first few verses, we read as Paul describes an inheritance that these believers have because they put their faith in Christ. Have you ever known anyone who inherited a something unexpected and precious from a relative? Read more
Having a good friend is one of the great pleasures of life. A good friend helps and encourages. A good friend is devoted and faithful. Paul mentions one of his friends – a “beloved brother” named Tychicus, who Paul trusted deliver his messages to the church – important messages that helped shape the early church during a time of great trials. Read more
Even with battles raging all around you, God still has a mission for you to accomplish – the mission of proclaiming the good news of the gospel! Sometimes the battle gets in the way and you must seek God’s help to open doors of opportunity and provide you with the right words to share Jesus Christ and the salvation He brings with others. Read more
Going into battle without first visiting the armory isn’t a good strategy for warfare. The armory is where you get equipped for battle. There you'll find armor to defend your body and weaponry to fight the enemy on offense. There's a Christian armory that God provides for you with defined armor to face spiritual battles Read more
How do you take a stand and then keep standing? Taking a stand can be difficult sometimes, especially if you must take that stand on your own. It’s far more difficult to keep standing once you’ve taken a stand. Taking a stand draws a battle line. Read more
“As unto Christ.” Those are words used to describe the service that a follower of Jesus Christ renders to others. We often think of sacrificial and diligent service when our service is to Christ. But what about service to others? Read more
The Bible is specific about your duty to submit and obey authority, including the authority given to mothers and fathers. Yet, authority is often challenged by those who choose not to be obedient. It's quite likely that parental authority is challenged more than any other authority. In fact, many Christian teens daily challenge their parents’ authority Read more
Whatever stage of life that you’re in, you can find help in times of need. As a teenager or as an adult, God gives you the Holy Spirit to help you live right—according to His will. The Holy Spirit will guide you in all things pertaining to Christ and godliness. Read more
We all like to be in charge—especially when it comes to running our own life. We think that being in charge of our life brings us freedom. But wisdom shows that true freedom comes through submission to God and to those He places in authority over us. Read more