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All posts tagged Ephesians

Without light, it’s virtually impossible to see. Darkness makes it easy to ignore hazards and to fall asleep rather than to watch for danger. Walking in darkness leads to poor choices, wrong turns, and wasted time. Read more
Have you ever entered a darkened room and searched along the wall for a light switch? How did you feel as you searched for the switch in darkness? You probably had an oppressive fear that you would run into something, trip and fall, or even worse… When you finally find the switch and the light comes on, that feeling disappears Read more
There was yellow tape roped around the place. A painted yellow line on the pavement clearly marked the danger zone where a sinkhole had appeared abruptly in the middle if the street. Ignoring the tape or crossing the line would lead to an immediate plunge into a deep dark pit Read more
What gives you the desire to be close to someone and even to run after them so that they can be near? What is it that keeps a little child close to their parent’s side, even clinging to their hand or clothing? The thing that motivates someone to follow closely is love. Read more

READ: Ephesians 4:17-19 KEY THOUGHT: Every child of God has a dark past —one that was darkened by sin until the light of the gospel drew them out of the darkness and into the true Light of Jesus Christ. When you believed on Christ for salvation, you were changed from darkness to light. That change compels you to become a Read more