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All posts tagged Ephesians

Have you ever considered how great God’s love is for you? It’s deeper and wider than you can ever imagine! Paul’s prayer is significant: that you would “be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height” of God’s great love. Read more
People have been hunting for treasure since time began. Sometimes the treasure is real and sometimes it’s imaginary. Some people spend there lives in search of buried treasure or sunken pirate ships. Others spend a lot of their time searching for treasure in the dungeons of video games. Read more
You wouldn’t purchase a gift for yourself… the normal way gifts are given is by purchasing a gift for someone else. Then, when that person receives the gift, it is something that is usually unexpected but desirable. In the same way, God gives you a gift by grace—His unmerited favor to you. Read more
Every household needs a house. Together with your fellow citizens (your brothers and sisters in Christ), you fit together as the “house” for God’s family, with Jesus as the cornerstone. We commonly call that a sanctuary or the church. Read more