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All posts tagged grace

Grace is the means to salvation – "for the grace of God that bringeth salvation…" (Titus 2:11). It is also the means by which those saved by grace learn Christ. saved by grace. Grace teaches us that we should live an honest, self-controlled (or Spirit-controlled life) that demonstrates Christ-like behavior to the world. Read more
One of the evidences of God’s presence in your life is peace. The apostle Paul told the church at Philippi that their relationship with God through Jesus Christ would bring them peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7). You should desire God’s peace in your life. You also should desire to share that peace with others. Read more
No one deserves God’s grace. That’s why it’s called grace. Grace is “getting something I don’t deserve”. So, by the nature of the meaning of the word, no one deserves God’s grace. Because of his past and the miraculous change that he experienced, Paul was especially sensitive to this. Read more
Think back to a time that you were surprised with a gift that you didn’t deserve. I can remember afternoons when my dad came home from work and had a special treat for me… even on days when I had been disobedient. Even better, I can think of a time when I had been caught in deep trouble and yet was pardoned and set free Read more
God’s message contains truth. Truth brings you knowledge of God’s will. That knowledge prevents ignorance and helps you to stand fast in the grace of God. But it doesn’t end there. The apostle Peter instructs that you are to grow in grace and in knowledge – specifically the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Read more