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All posts tagged hope

The urgency of the times is evident. As Paul describes the last days before Christ’s return, he indicates the sad conclusion for those who choose not to believe. They will fall under a “strong delusion,” which causes them to believe a lie that dooms them to perish. But that doesn’t have to be the case. While there’s still time, those who don’t know Christ as Savior can answer the Spirit’s call to the cross Read more
It’s easy to get caught up in day-to-day circumstances and let the storms of life cause you to focus on the wrong things. When that happens, you tend to be anxious, impatient, discontent and, in many cases, downright miserable. Read more
Hope is waiting, expecting and trusting that something will happen. So much of what is hoped for is temporal – meaning that it won’t last. There’s one hope provided by God that is eternal – meaning that it lasts forever. That hope is the living hope of Jesus Christ. It is a lively hope that brings the expectation of everlasting life by trusting in Jesus Christ. Read more