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All posts tagged John

Winter can be a difficult time for people, especially after the anticipation and fulfillment that comes with the Christmas season. Sometimes winter brings depression, discouragement, and even disbelief. Changes in weather, activity, and the amount of daylight hours can cause moods to change and lead to feelings of melancholy, oppression and hopelessness. The coldness of the midst of winter seems to counter all the hope and joy that Christmas brings. Read more
As Christmas Day passes and Christmas night gets well underway, there seems to be a lull in the hustle and bustle of the holiday. The madness that permeates our society from pre-Thanksgiving through Christmas Eve fades into the past and there is now time to for me to reflect even more serenely on the wonder, majesty and meaning of Christmas. It is the quiet time of the day when I can pause to remember what this day meant this year and throughout history. Read more

READ: John 8:31-36 CONSIDER: How does the truth that Jesus speaks about set you free? What is a prerequisite to knowing the truth that Jesus spoke about? What does being a disciple of Jesus Christ mean? Can you be a disciple? If so, how?

READ: John 3:16-21 CONSIDER: Why did Jesus come into the world? According to this passage, which is more attractive to most people, darkness or light? What do you think Jesus meant by saying that “he that doeth truth cometh to the light?”